Saturday, July 24, 2010

Crafting Lately

I am finally starting to list items on my etsy site, Aspire To Be. As you will see below I am having a hard time getting the pictures right but we are getting there.

Alex’s boss and family are moving to Chicago in the coming weeks. As a goodbye present I made their children a few things.

For their three year old little girl I made this adorable crayon roll.

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The Dad is a huge Green Bay fan so i made their (almost) one year old a Packers Jon Jon. IMG_2288


...and of course Liam got a little something new but needed…a baby belt! Back in December i purchased a bunch of 12 month size shorts for him . So here we are, it is summer, and Liam does not need a size 12 month in shorts but he is going to wear then darn it…so i made him a camo belt and it is both adorable and functional. The whole front is velcro so it makes for a fast fasten after diaper changes…because looping through a D-ring with a squirmy kiddo is not fun plus it is softer on his belly than metal would be when crawling around and napping.

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The etsy site is still in the works…I am having a huge problem getting good product pictures. The lighting in our house is not the best and the pictures outside I took don’t thrill me. Any advice on taking good pictures with no good source of natural light inside?

I ran outside the other day to snap a few shots and when i came in toting the camera someone wanted their picture taken (shocking i know, right?).

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1 comment:

Jessica @ This Blessed Life said...

That crayon thing is adorable! I have seen it before and I am so impressed that you know how to make them! Give me another year and I'll definitely be buying one! :)