Tuesday, November 27, 2012

O' Christmas Tree(s)

On Saturday we on a whim decided to put up one of our trees. Liam was so excited when we turned the lights on!

Two hours later we (and by we i mean I) put together our second tree. 

Fast forward to today and i got both of the kids trees done plus the rest of the house!!! We are settling for some instagram shots of their trees since they are in bed right now. 

Lucy's tree is so cute in person, it does not photograph well. It is a white tree with white lights and pink tulle is strung throughout it. The ornaments are a mix of light pink, light green and gold, it matches her room perfectly with the "vintage chic" theme. 

Liam just loves having the tree um, he asks to turn it on first thing in the morning. 

I sparsely decorated the bottom half of the tree with little miss curious in our household but she has done surprisingly well with the tree so far. 

Today we got our fist legit snowfall. When Lucy went down for a nap Liam and i headed out for a snowball fight and snowman making. 

Here are our downstairs trees for this year. I just love love love having our Christmas trees up! 

Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving....and then some

Last Tuesday we celebrated my father-in-laws birthday! Happy Birthday Pop-Pop!! I made this dark chocolate covered cherry cake to celebrate. 

Onward to Thanksgiving! Lucy with Grammy and Aunt Debbie! 

Dada :-) 

Lucy clearly enjoying her second feast of the day! 

Lucy and her Dada 

Liam with his roll and Lucy with her overflowing thanksgiving dinner plate. 

I had to bring some cupcakes :-) 

Kerri and Evan 

Grandma and Lucy, i just LOVE this picture! 

Me and my kiddos, too bad i am the only one looking.... 

All the grandkids 

Family :-) 

our stuffed turkey! gotta love the belly hanging out :-) classy Lu

Last week was BUSY for Pink Ballon but oh so fun! I catered three events and did two completed tables and catering - over 25 dozen cupcakes! Here are the tables i did; first off was this Dr. Suess themed table for a baby shower! Truffula tree cake pops, thing 1.5 cupcakes, oh the places you'll go cupcakes, and a complete Dr. Suess themed cake.

Tonight i did a table for a retirement party and just loved the way it all came together! They had raspberry white chocolate, lemon cream, red velvet, thin mint, and peanut butter cup cupcakes and salted caramel and s'mores cake pops. 

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Lucy at 13 Months

I remember when Liam turned 13 months old, i didn't intend on doing a monthly post that month but did because he had changed so much in the four short week since his birthday and the same holds true for Lucy. It is amazing how much she has changed into a little toddler in the last few weeks. She is walking all over the place! She rarely, if ever, crawls anymore. She loves to play "chase" with Liam and run laps around the downstairs. 

She is talking... a lot! Lucy was an early talker compared to Liam but in the last few weeks she has learned so many new words. She says everything from Hi to Bye, Mama and Dada, fishie, doggie, cat, ball, baba, bap (paci), ni ni (at bedtime), cake, super g (for super grover), bobo (elmo), eat, and a few more. 

A new thing she's been doing that both cracks us up and drives us crazy is going in the pantry and picking out a snack and then shoving it at us saying "eat, eat, eat" until she gets some. Yes, it is adorable but not after she just puts back a HUGE lunch or dinner and wants a snack 10 minutes later. Oh that note she still has her Lucy sized appetite and loves food. Still eating great and trying new things. One of her new favorites is peanut butter and jelly. She is still taking a bottle of whole milk right before bedtime but drinks from her sippy cup during the day.

She has turned into our little fashionista and makes requests. She loves shoes! She loves to go in the shoe cubby and find her shoes and then bring them to mean so she can wear them around the house. She's been wearing her furry winter boots around all week. She also likes to try and put her bows in her hair....and pulls them out to try to put them back in.

She is such the little instigator! She loves to push Liams buttons and get him all worked up. We are going to have our hands full with this one that is for sure! 

Liam at 3

Last weekend I sat down with Liam to ask him 20 questions. It is something we plan to do every year on his birthday to see how much changes from  year to year. I was shocked at how well he did and how honest his answers were, it was so cute and he loved it.

1. What is your favorite color? red
2. What is your favorite toy? big green tractors
3. What is your favorite fruit? green grapes
4. What is your favorite tv show? "Snoofy" (the great pumpkin) and Caillou
5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? pizza
6. What is your favorite outfit? baseball shirt and cool pants
7. What is your favorite game? baseball
8. What is your favorite snack? bears (fruit snacks)
9. What is your favorite animal? reindeer
10. What is your favorite song? big green tractor song
11. What is your favorite book? big green tractor book
12. Who is your best friend? Dada and Mama
13. What is your favorite cereal? cinnamon cer (cinnamon life)
14. What is your favorite thing to do outside? play baseball
15. What is your favorite drink? juice
16. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas
17. What do you like to take to bed with you at night? Bounty Hunter, Baby Bunny and green blankie
18. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? donuts
19. What do you want for dinner on your birthday? pizza 
20. What do you want to be when you grow up? baseball player

Monday, November 5, 2012

Fall Catch Up

Instead of breaking all of our recent adventure into separate posts I am just going to put them all together in one big one (really big one). We have been having so much fun the last few weeks and our weekends have been packed with things to do and memories being made.

Playing in the leaves has become a very fun outdoor activity for the kids. Liam LOVED jumping in the leaves and Lucy was cracking up trying to burry herself in them.

The day after Liam's birthday party we took the kids to the annual Apple Festival at a local orchard. Liam loved getting to see (and touch) the fire truck and of course they both loved eating fries. 

Liam was scared to ride the pony but he wanted to pet him and the nice people let him. 

High five for awesome fries! 

The Monday after Liam's party was Liam's actual birthday so we took the kids to Roba's which is a pumpkin patch and all around fall wonderland! They both had a blast!! 

Feeding the animals was one of Liam's favorite things to do.

Hay ride, pulled by a "big green tractor" which is Liam's favorite thing right now. 

Playing in the sand with the "big green tractor" was Liam's favorite thing to do!

wresting...oh course

After we got home, and attempted nap time, we took Liam over my parents house so he could ride his bike. Evan was there which made it even better for him. They love playing together. 

Last Monday the kids and I carved our pumpkin for Halloween, this was 7 hours before we lost power for three days. 

Painting our tractor pumpkin green, of course.

We were so so so so lucky that of all our family we were the only ones to lose power for a long duration of time so we spent almost three days at Alex's parents house until we got power back. 

Halloween 2012!! For MONTHS Liam has been adamant that he wanted to be a pumpkin for halloween, so here is our little pumpkin.

The summer before Lucy was born Alex's Mom and I picked up this Halloween costume at a yard sale. It was a kids size 3-4 so i figured we'd have it stored away for a while.... yeah...here is Lucy wearing it at 13 months old.

Trick or Treating

My little fashionista...

Cupcakes lately.... remember if you are in the NEPA area to "like" Pink Balloon on Facebook, we are expanding into new areas and i could not be more excited about it!!