Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Liam's Thanksgiving Program

On Friday Liam had his first Thanksgiving program at preschool. Nana Vicki, Grammy, Grandma, Lucy and I all went to see him. They sang two cute songs, made muffins and pumpkin bread, little Indian costumes and placements with everything they were thankful for. Liam listed: hot wheels, Lucy, pizza, apples and pumpkins on his list. Liam did so well singing his songs, we were so proud of our little man!! 
And simple so I don't forget names we have: Brynley, Emily, Brook-Lynn, Liam, Logan, Rebecca, Jack and Garrett. 

Once the show and snacks were done Lucy took it upon herself to start playtime. She is so social we seriously question where she came from haha! She loved playing with the baby, she "loves girl babies", she is so sweet and gentle with little ones. 

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