For Christmas I was very lucky to get a Nook, Barnes and Nobles ebook reader. Since i received it the first week in January i have been reading like crazy. For me, most of nap time is spent with my nose in my nook.
The first book i read was Darkly Dreaming Dexter. I am a huge fan of the show and was left wanting more since we finished watching the last season. I thought it was a fairly good book, kept my interest and left me wanting to read more. It was different from the tv series in a few ways, some for the better and some for the ehh not so much better. I enjoyed being more inside of Dexter's head than you are in the series. You learned more about what makes him tick and what he thinks in certain situations. In the end, i enjoyed the TV show much more. I liked how the supporting characters played major roles and served as comic relief in the show (Vince). I enjoy the story like of Dexer and Rita in the show which was almost nonexistent in the book. I also liked how the show was written with more twists and suspense than the book. If you have watched the first season of Dexter you will know that Dexter's brother, Brian, is the ice truck killer (sorry for the spoiler if intend on watching the series in your future) and is also dating his foster sister Deb. The intensity and suspense that the show creates around this is phenomenal and i thoroughly missed that in the book.
The second book i read was The Lovely Bones. I had known for a long time that this book had great reviews but never looked into what it was about. When i first saw the previews for he movie i was shocked to see what the plot was and did not think in a million years i would read the book or watch the movie but i did. I must say i was expecting more. I thought the book was a little all over the place; that the author skipped around too much and could have developed and detailed parts more before moving on to another character line. Overall it was a good read. A very interesting concept and prospective on life and death. I will be interested to see how the screen play was adapted.
Now reading .... The Help .... and i cannot help but put it down (pun intended)! Cannot wait for nap time this afternoon!
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