On Friday we celebrated Liam's 3 month birthday with a photo session. I can't believe how big he is getting and how much he has changed in such a short amount of time. For the past 5 weeks Liam has slept consistently from 10pm to 6am or later....until last week. The middle of last week he started breaking out of his swaddle and walking him self up because he cannot keep his hands away from his face. The first few nights we would keep re-swaddling him, sleep another hour then repeat. Saturday night i decided to try only swaddling one arm in and leaving the other out. This helped him a bit and he was able to get a longer stretch in before waking himself up and freeing the swaddled arm. Last night i put him in a sleeper blanket and he did alright. He still woke up about 10 times but fell back to sleep with his paci; i brought him into bed with up around 4:30am after getting up to give him his paci over 5 times in a half hour. He slept fine in bed until 8 this morning.Ugh! It is not a habit it want to make but at 4am the only thing i can think about it how much i want to be sleeping.
On Saturday we ventured to Kohl's for some shopping. Liam did wonderful in the store and had a great time looking around. I ended up getting a cute purple knit hat, Alex got a pair of jeans, and Liam got a long sleeve bodysuit and a red polo with a baseball and bat on it, it will be perfect for Daddy's softball season!
On Sunday i went shopping. I had a gift card from Christmas that i have been wanting to use so i decided to stop at Marshalls to look around. This was the first time i had really gone bargain shopping for myself in well over a year. I was so excited to see that they were haveing a huge blow out clearance sale! I got a lot of cute things for the summer (including two shirts that were only $3) and a Ralph Lauren fleece jacket for Liam for next fall (originally $60 that i got for $15!). Sunday afternoon we took full advantage of the beautiful weather we were having and went for a walk. We put Liam in the big boy stroller and he loved it, even though he fell asleep shortly into our walk. It was wonderful to get outside and get some fresh air.

1 comment:
Hi -
I just found your blog...love it! I have a little guy who just turned 3 months old on Saturday, so I can completely relate. Strangely enough, we had a great sleeper also until about a week and a half ago. What happened?! My theory is that my son has become more social and aware of what's going on around him. I also said I would *never* let my baby sleep in bed with us. Well, I've eaten my words the past few nights! Anyway, love the blog!
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