Alex and I got hooked on Dexter over Christmas. We ended up watching all 4 seasons in under a week. We had no lives that week. I am itching for more Dexter so i think the ebooks are first in line for reading on the nook. Other than that I also have Sophie Kinsella's Twenties Girl, and two Michael Pollan books i am dying to read. One series that i slowly but surly find myself become more and more intrigued by is the Twilight series. I don't want to be a band wagoner but it seems everyone I know that read the books could not put them down. I want to see what all the hype is about!
We had a momentous event yesterday in our house. Liam picked up Gup Gup, his beloved WubbaNub, and put him back in his mouth all by himself. Can a get a hallelujah!
And since I am working, so hard, towards my goal of weight loss. We picked up KFC for dinner tonight. Seriously Sarah, seriously, UGH! Anyway i got an adorable picture of Liam out of our trip. I love this hat on him from Kushies, so cute!
I am bummed about my plans for tomorrow. We are taking down all of our Christmas decorations. I hate taking down Christmas decorations because the house goes from feeling warm and cozy with the soft lighting and abundance of decorations to cold and sparse. I loved our Christmas tree this year; I can't wait to see our electric bill for the month of December because i had that tree on from the moment Liam and I woke up in the morning until we went to bed. I need to make a quick run to Target tomorrow to see if they have any tubs of ornaments left. I purchased a beautiful 6 foot Christmas tree last weekend for $17!! It was 75% off. Next year i want to do a tree with only white lights and gold and purple ornaments with ribbon. Last weekend Target had a ton of ornament tubs left in those colors so i am hoping i can snag one or two.
I love KFC! Best mac and cheese ever! But I have to be honest and say that I also LOVE taking down my Christmas tree and decorations. Makes me feel like I am getting my house and routine back to normal. Very cute pics : )
Following from MBC!
I just had to say your baby is adorable!
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