Well in less than one month i will be celebrating my first birthday with a family of my own. February is a month of celebration in our house, Alex’s birthday is one the 8th, Valentine’s Day on the 14th, and my birthday on the 22. We typically do dinners out for our birthdays (this year take out) and a small gift and dinner at home for Valentine’s Day. It is such a fun month and always flies by. This year we get to celebrate another anniversary, February 16th is the day we found out we were expecting last year, i can’t believe that was already a year ago.
I have had a few family members ask me for a list of what i want for my birthday. So i decided to do a quick post with the things that I would love because if i am given money i usually end up spending at least half on stuff for Liam.
I love love love my nook. It has gotten a lot of use since i got it a short three weeks ago. I was able to read four books in those weeks and enjoyed them all very much. The nook is great and i am so glad that i made the decision of get it for Christmas, for me it is perfect. I would love a cover for my nook, i love the Bronte Cover in Turquoise and the Lyra book light so i can read while the boys are sleeping.
Last Christmas my mom, sister, and I all started Pandora bracelets, the modern day charm bracelet. I absolutely love mine. I love looking back at all the charms because they all have a special meaning of a specific time in my life within the last year. I don’t have that much space left on my bracelet but here are the charms i would love to fill it up with.
Charms by Chamilia
Eternal Heart GA - 121
Cats – GB - 25
Motherhood GE - 9
Kermit the Frog DIS – 25 (This one reminds me of Liam because he has so many things with frogs on them, including gup-gup)
Robins Nest Pearl JA – 62
Movie Night NA – 35
Red Spiral – O – 17
FreeAgent Go in Forest Green
Ever since we lost pictures from a trip we took to DC over five years ago i have had a fear of losing all of my pictures. Now more than ever i want to make sure i have a way to back up all of the precious pictures of Liam’s first three months, plus the thousands more I'm sure we will take this year. I love the FreeAgent Go portable storage hard drive. It has great reviews and comes in a variety of colors.
This one is definitely more of an ‘i want in the near future’ compared to the other on my list.
The Body Mist – Victoria Secret
OPI – Privacy Please
Family Stationary
I would love to get note cards with our family name on them but i am holding off until we move so that i can use a more permanent return address on the envelopes.
A gift card to enjoy a few of these…
….and a few of these.
A relaxing afternoon for a pedicure!
and a trip here….where the mountains are more than slight inclines, the pizza is good, the sushi comes with great company, the mall in only one level, there are Rita’s, Revello’s, and Philly Subs, and grandparents, great-grandmas, aunts, and “aunts” (my friends) to spoil and love on little man.