Thursday, September 9, 2010


Yesterday Liam and I ventured out to get some fresh air and tour Beasley’s Apple Orchard with our play group. The weather was perfect and a nice taste of fall.


Last Thursday Alex and I took Liam to the children's museam. It is free to get in the first Thursday of every month from 4-8, thank you Target. Liam had a good time meeting the members of Kiss, riding on a motorcycle, and of course seeing trains..the boy loves trains.

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Liam loves doing yoga moves, I say it is from all the prenatal yoga i did while pregnant with him, Look at his downward facing dog…the kids got skill.

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Sarah Larsen said...

Maybe I should take Yoga lessons from little Liam! He's still as darling as ever. :)

CraftGirlAlli said...

He's such a cutie!