Saturday, September 25, 2010

Celebrating Fall

Since Alex and I moved to Indy a few years ago we have been going to an Apple Festival at a local orchard. Last year when we went I was HUGE….and so ready to meet Liam. I can remember so clearly think about how excited I was for next year and to bring our almost one year old.


I could not have been a more perfect day to celebrate fall. We have had record breaking heat all week here in Indy, over 90 degrees every day. Today it was in the low 60’s and Liam got to wear some of his new fall clothes.


I purchased these overalls for him last summer right after we found out he was a boy!IMG_3032 IMG_3030

Liam loved holding onto a chuck of apple and nibble little bits off. Today he got to have one with a tiny bit of caramel and loved it, of course!


Over the last week Liam came down with another cold. After a rough afternoon yesterday I called the doctor at 4:30 in the afternoon…on a Friday and they let us come in to take a look at him before the weekend…THANK GOODNESS for only living two minutes from the office!!! Turns out he had an ear infection in his left ear cause by all of the congestion from the two colds he has had this month. He is on an antibiotic and a decongestant/cough medicine for the next few days so we are hoping he starts feeling like  himself again soon.


Anonymous said...

We went to an apple festival today too! But it was still in the high 80s here! Glad ya'll had fun, but sorry about the ear infection :(

CraftGirlAlli said...

Those pictures are adorable!! And the 60 degree weather has been so nice! I just hope it stays this way and doesn't get hot again! But you never know in Indiana!