Saturday, January 21, 2012

Snow Day!

You guys it finally snowed! We got a dusting of snow last week and every time we went outside Liam would yell “SNOOOOW SNOOOOW” and want to play. Well last night we got about 7 inches so he finally had something substantial to play in. Alex picked up a sled from his parents house and we got Liam bundled up to go out sledding.


To say he loved it would be an understatement. He was so excited to be out in the snow! Finally!IMG_6937


Going down for the first time!!


All by himself. Is that smile big enough?!IMG_6948IMG_6949IMG_6950



Sara said...

LOVE these pictures! He looks so happy in these pictures. What a fun day for you.

The Small Fry said...

Looks like Liam had a lot of fun. Seattle had its first snow storm of 2012 last week so Jordan had a blast. Too bad we didn't have a sled! :)