Thursday, January 12, 2012

Thoughts on Thursday

I feel like I have been struggling all week to keep my head above water, you know those days … well it seems it has just been one after another this week. No sleep, cranky kids, short naps … rinse and repeat. I am so ready for the weekend!

Liam decided to give his new Hess truck a washing earlier this week, then thought it would be funny to wear the towel on his head.


Liam showing DeeDee and Dada how to play some of his games. I swear the cold he had last week has turned him into a little couch potato. He likes to sit with his “blank” (blanket) and play his games and eat snacks…at least they are educational games and usually whole grain snacks or fruit. This is his sticker page from on of his favorite games he plays.


Ooooh I am going to take this so brother can’t get it …. remember a week ago when I said Lucy wasn’t rolling well I guess she wanted to prove me wrong (can’t imagine were she gets this stubborn/determined attitude from-that’d be me) and is now a machine! Seriously you put the girl down and 2.2 seconds later she is on her belly trying to crawl. The scary part she can move in circles and if she pushes off the floor hard enough she launches herself forward to what she wants…IMG_6783

I attempted some pictures of the kiddos together today and oh my goodness my heart just exploded! Half way through our little photo session Liam looks at Lucy and says “ooooh no DeeDee” then jumps down, grabs her burp cloth and ever so gently daps off some drool on her lips…so stinking sweet that boy is. He is becoming so aware of her and if she is fussing and crying he frantically tries to soothe her by showing her all his cars, trucks, and airplanes…then normally says “' oh no DeeDee bap” and runs to get her a paci.



I have been busting my rear lately with running (I signed up for my first 5k in April with a few friends!!), Bob Harper inside out dvds (for strength training), and insanity (which, oh my word, is literally insane- they say it is the hardest workout you can get on DVD and I don’t doubt it!). Here is my progress from 39 weeks, 1 week, and three months postpartum – 31 pounds later….and the little chunka munk 7 pounds (at least) heavier!


I have switched up my daily oatmeal to steel cut oats and I am loving it. This is my new staple of oats, cinnamon,  dried cranberries, chia seeds and almond butter – so good!


I saw this recipe for stuffed cabbage casserole on pinterest last week and just had to make it! Seriously it was so good! I made it vegetarian and substituted the 1 pound of ground meat for a bag of morning star “meat crumbles”. I also left out the cheese just to save a few calories.



This morning Liam and I had a tea party, he made us “car tea” hahaha boys. IMG_0616[1]

Thank goodness these baby things have straps, she is a wild women anymore. IMG_0620[1]


Anonymous said...

You look awesome! Great, great job!!

Unknown said...

You look amazing! So impressed you find the time to run with two kids- when do you fit it in? If you run with them, what stroller do you use?