Sunday, October 17, 2010

Liam’s Birthday Party

The Birthday Boy

I ordered Liam’s shirt a few weeks ago. I could not have been more perfect with the primary colors.DSCN0666

Liam seeing the house all set up for his party!


The Details

Liam’s party was a combination of the Baby Einstein caterpillar and primary colors. Weeks and weeks of phone calls and emails between my Mom and I occurred as we planned and prepped for the birthday celebration. I could not be more happy with the finished product.


This was the main eating table. We carried though the caterpillar theme and had small glasses of M&M’s and colored goldfish in them down the table.


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My Mom and I made all of the cupcakes and Liam’s little smasher cake. I love how it came out with all of the primary colored balls around the bottom.

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By far my favorite detail was the 12 months of pictures caterpillar! Oh my goodness I was so happy with the way it turned out.


Fun with family and friends

Oh Liam…that boy is beyond blessed with amazing family and friends that care for him so dearly. We were so happy to celebrate his first year of life with our extended family.

Liam and Aunt Kerri…and a cookie yummmmm!


Liam and Evan playing with cars. They were so cute together today and Liam just LOVED playing with Evan. This pictures just fills my heart with joy of the bond between cousins! IMG_3278


Opening presents…he got so many wonderful things!



Cake time!



The only picture I have of Liam and I from today….this is what happens when you are the photographer!



Jessica @ This Blessed Life said...

You did a GREAT job! I am so impressed! :)

Sara said...

Looks like a great party! Hope you got to enjoy it too:)

Anonymous said...

What an amazing looking party! Great job! I am already thinking about party ideas...but could never be that creative. And your cupcakes are beautiful!

Bev Johnston said...

Seriously? Could his party have been any cuter?!?!? You are my creativity idol! I LOVE LOVE the caterpillar decorations on the table and especially the one with his pictures! Looks like it was a great party!!! Good job momma!!!

Unknown said...

Looks perfect Sarah!! Are you a tad happy it is over?? I am sort of ready to do something besides unpack and plan Henry's bday :)

CraftGirlAlli said...

Happy birthday to him! looks like a wonderful party!!