Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Liam and Case

I made Liam this shirt to wear for our Baby Jam Birthday Bash last Saturday and just HAD to make one for Case as well being that he will celebrate turning one on Halloween. So what are two picture addict Mama’s to do when their adorable little boys match…take pictures of course! 67682_1606389436105_1127245555_1728771_3992814_n - Copy 

“Dude, I have those two teeth too”  IMG_3158 

Checking out the dirt….cause that is what boys do! 67682_1606389396104_1127245555_1728770_13641_n - CopyIMG_3154 

“Hi Mama, this is fun!'”

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These two boys just crack me up. Liam has so much fun hanging out with Case and playing. Liam and I are so lucky to have found Case and his Mom :-)


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