Saturday, October 9, 2010

It’s A Baby Jam Birthday Party!!!

Today we had a big first birthday celebration for all of the kiddos in our play group. We could not have asked for better weather for an outdoor picnic, 80 degrees in October!

All of the babies lined up for cupcakes!



Liam thinking “wow this whole things is for me”


“My thumb has never tasted better”


“Mama I may have a little something on my face”


“This cupcake thing is awesome”


“I just might eat the.whole.thing!”


I made cupcake toppers for Liam’s upcoming birthday party and was so excited to make some for our Baby Jam party today with all of the new tools i have. I love the way they turned out. I am going to be listing them on my etsy site soon so be on the look out. If you are interested in ordering any custom designs or themes for birthday parties or Halloween let me know. I love doing custom orders!

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All of the Moms and Babies!! IMG_3105  

and the Dads :-)


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