Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I won’t name names but..

….someone is hating is idea of weaning off the bottle and drinking milk!

This is how he showed his feelings during lunch.



Tiffany said...

I'm thinking Katelyn is going to act the same way. Honestly, I haven't even tried yet. I think I'm still trying to wean myself off the pump. I know I should be thrilled that I can finally stop, but a part of me is just sad. I know I need to get passed this soon otherwise she is going to be three and still hooked to the bottle (and BM).

Anonymous said...

I know when we switched Emma we had some trouble at first. We actually started warming the milk in the microwave (maybe 15-30 sec). She was MUCH happier with that. She just wasnt used to the cold milk. Not sure if you tried that or if it would help!

CraftGirlAlli said...

Someone else mentioned it...but we warmed the milk a bit and it helped smooth out the transition from formula to milk...however, we just now got rid of the bottle! I know I know...bad mommy! But I waited for him to do it on his own (with a little help from me) and his pediatrician was fine with that. Good luck!

Unknown said...

oh no - we did 1/2 and 1/2 for a month with landon before switching all the way and that seemed to work for him.....i also just stopped the bottle cold turkey on his birthday. he's never been a huge bottle fan though. good luck!!

Anonymous said...

I've also heard that mixing part milk with part formula can help the transition. We're not there yet, so what do I know?!