Saturday, October 9, 2010

Fun with Friends

On Thursday Liam and I headed downtown to an Apple Festival on Monument Circle with two of his friends from our play group. I am so happy Sara was able to capture this shot of Liam and I.  P1000822

All three kids got a balloon which Liam LOVED but we ended up loosing it to the wind. Phew…luckily Liam was not old enough to throw a fit about it.


Case, Sage and Liam posing for a picture.

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On Wednesday Liam got to wear his new boots I got him at the consignment sale last week. I thought this outfit was just too cute not to share.


Lately Liam has gotten so good at standing by himself and taking a few steps. He is also able to walk just holding onto one finger. Here is a recent video I have of him walking with some help and saying (or should I say singing) Dada.

1 comment:

Bev Johnston said...

I LOVE the DaDa song! If he wasn't so dang fast crawling he'd take off walking... I think he might just be waiting until he knows how to run:-) Very cute!!!