Two teeth in two days…..hmmm i guess that explains the lack of sleep we have been getting. He has been much better today compared to the last few days so i am hoping since both teeth have broken through he is relived of some of the discomfort he has been having….poor kiddo, i can’t imagine how much that had to hurt, thank goodness for (generic) Tylenol!
I also need to note that for the first time, at seven and a half months old, Liam blew out of his diaper….yowza! Poo up to his shoulder blades…it was super fun to clean up :-)
I hope things get better now that the teeth are popping through! I know it is hard when they are in pain.
Also, I saw your response on my blog about the baby legs. I wasn't sure if you would come back to check my reply so here it is again. I wanted to let you know about a tutorial I found for making your own baby legs from tube socks. I haven't tried it yet but hopefully these will fit better.
Oh man... Emma always got teeth in sets of two!! Talk about painful!! Yeah the blowouts can be nasty... most times I would just drop her in the bathtub!!!
Emma is the exact same way!! I swear she would live in the bathtub if we let her!! We recently got her a little pool and EVERYTIME she seems it she says "I Swim!!"... it is so cute!! She had a great second birthday... it is crazy she is that old!!! Don't blink!! :)
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