Why do i blog? I blog so that i don’t forget the story behind the picture. I blog so i can relive the day years from now. I blog so that friends and family, who are all too far away, can be close.
I write for myself…. Writing has always been an outlet for me. A way of getting my feeling out so that my head doesn’t pop off. Before i made my blog public or even shared it with my husband there were many posts that were deleted, never to be seen again because they were my sounding board.
Knowing that i have so many friends and family that read this blog i have found myself censoring posts or not writing about certain things at all. It has been hard and I've struggled with the answer to the question, do i write about the bad days?
My posts make it sound like my days are filled with shopping trips, giggles, play dates and smiles but this is far from the reality of it. There are days like today…when i pulled up my email, more than once, to draft a letter to my old boss asking for my job back. When the second Alex leaves for work Liam starts red faced wailing….until 6pm when he gets home. When it is two in the afternoon and you are on your second attempt at a shower, screaming “the wheels of the bus” as loud as you can, only to have little man screaming like this pack and play is filled with hot coals instead of every single one of his favorite toys. I have always felt as though i was a patient person and during the first seven months of Liam life i never lost my patients with him but lately i have felt so drained, like i have nothing left because getting screamed at all day and lately most of the night is trying, to say the least. I know it will pass, i know it will, but it is trying to trek though and come out on the other side that i am battling with.
Shall we end this post with a fitting song…i think we will
I sooooooo get this! Often times I don't blog much about those days because I don't want family and friends to worry or get their feelings hurt because things have happened before where I blogged about a bad day and someone got mad and said "Why don't you call me to talk about these things rather than write about it on the blog?" But the fact is, that blogging is much easier for me and a good outlet, like you said.
All that being said, I am sorry you guys are having hard days and hang in there, because you are right.....it won't be like this for long!!! My hubby and I always sing that to each other---especially when the baby girl is crying or up all night!!! :)
I love this post. I love and respect bloggers who aren't afraid to write about the bad. I get so irritated with blogs that talk about nothing but hearts and rainbows and how great their life is. Life is good, but sometimes it's bad, and I love reading about other situations that confirm to me that I'm not the only one.
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