Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The best trick yet…

Giving kisses…


Liam’s favorite thing to do today was hold on with one had while standing and let go until he started to topple then catch himself. Luckily, we only had one head bonk resulting from this new skill.



Unknown said...

i LOVE those wet slobbery kisses!!

Jessica @ This Blessed Life said...

So glad CIO is going well for you so far! In regards to your question, I have always laid Luke back down if he was standing. Just do it quickly and briefly (avoid "holding" as much as possible). It took a *long* time for him to get over that hump (because it was a new skill and he was excited to do it). I'm not trying to discourage you - just to encourage you that he might keep the standing thing up for weeks before he gives it up. Hang in there!!!! :)