Sunday, December 2, 2012

North Pole Breakfast 2012

This morning we had our second annual North Pole Breakfast and welcomed back our elf, Edgar, for the holiday season. Last night we watched the Elf on the Shelf movie with Liam so he was super excited and a little nervous to see HIS elf had arrived this morning.

We had all things the kiddos love....donuts, coffee cake muffins, fruit and a mini hot chocolate bar.

Liam checking out the breakfast table.

Both kids got a small toy straight from the north pole. Liam got a little tool set which he said was "my favorite present ever" and Lucy got a small stuffed sandwich making kit, both from our trip to Ikea yesterday. 

I am so excited for all of the fun antics Edgar will perform this month :-) 

1 comment:

Jessica @ This Blessed Life said...

SO CUTE!!!! You're such a good mommy. :)