Sunday, October 7, 2012

Visiting Uncle Matt

We are officially on our first family vacation!! Whoop Whoop!! We are spending the week in Outer Banks with Alex's family and our friends Jer and Kim. Alex and I (and the kiddos, of course) decided to leave Frday night and drive through the night, just like how we use to do the Indy/PA trips. Let's just say Liam is still an awesome traveler and Lucy....well....less so BUT we made it! 

Our frist stop was at Matt's house. He lives about three hours from OBX so we just had to make it a point to stop and see him! Liam was so excited to go see Uncle Matt!!! We got there around 7am on Saturday. 

Uncle Matt and Liam (who looks like he joined Fight Club after his run in with the train table handle. 

Our southern breakfast with Bojangles!

Matt had told me earlier in the week that one of the things we could do that he thought Liam would like was feed the ducks. All morning Liam kept asking to "go feel duckies" and let's just said that once we did go feed the ducks, oh my word, we fed the DUCKS!

Taking a stroll around to see everything. 

A little later Matt and I took the kids to walk around campus while Alex stayed back to nap. Here are the kids with Pee Dee the Pirate. 

The trees said "HUG ME" i could not resist :-)

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