1. I got a job?!? I know ... i know... it was the right place at the right time kind of thing and everything just fell into place so easily. I am now working just a few days a month as a nutrition educator in one of the local elementary schools. I am really really excited! I will be teaching 7th and 8th graders which is definitely going to be challenging but I am hoping it will be a great experience. Any middle school teachers out there that can give me some advice it would be much appreciated :-)
2. Since we moved back to Pennsylvania i have done dessert catering once in a while. Over the last few months I have gotten more and more requests for orders so i put up a Facebook page to have a landing site for everyone. It has been so much fun making so many yummy treats for people.

peanut butter cup .. i made these for our fantasy football draft party last week
caramel macchiato .... Alex loved these, just like the starbucks drink
pumpkin with maple cream cheese
"burger" cupcakes with sugar cookie fries, i made these for Alex's Aunt birthday two weeks ago
Caramel Apple
chocolate covered strawberries and cream ... these are the cupcakes i made for my birthday this year, so yummy!
Lemon Cream, always a big hit!
Banana Cream Pie, adorable!
Mississippi Mud ... oh my oh my.... chocolate cake with chocolate frosting topped with mini marshmallows, pecans, coconut and chocolate drizzle.... wowza!
.....and now i photo dump.....
So we all know Lucy grew a little faster then anticipated which resulted in her wearing boys Christmas pj's a few nights....
A few weeks ago Jer invited us over to his families farm to show Liam some tractors... he had a blast and is still talking about Jer letting him drive the tractor!
Confetti Mac (steamed mixed veggies with Annies Organic Mac and Cheese) = lucy's heaven
high pony with a bow...where'd my baby go?!?
Fall shopping at the Goodwill on 50% off day...scored some GREAT things for the kiddos!!
Just posing cause thats what we do...
only one month left to fill in until the big 1st birthday!! i just love her book :-)
Fro-Yo party with the kiddos
The band... Alex playing drums on a tin can, Liam on guitar, and Lucy the singer/dancer
Liam got a pumpkin from the farmers market this week and wanted to "draw eyes" on it, i think he did one heck of a job making his first jack-o-lantern!
Lucy at the farmers market eating some falafel and tabouli
Liam Land.... his personalized version of candy land
Okay....now i debated big time on sharing this one but decided in the end to share because EXACTLY one year ago today this was me (any Lucy)....
A few weeks ago i shared that I was doing P90X, with the program you take pictures on day 1, 30, 60 and 90 ... here are my day 1 and 30 day pictures .... i was just pumped to see some ab definition with two kids two and under! Thank You Tony Horton and your awesome butt kicking workouts :-)
Amazing P90 results. I've been wanting to try and you may just be the kick in the pants I needed!! I teach 7th-8th graders and love it! It's totally what I think I was born to do! Goodness...advice? Be consistent and strict. The stricter you are in the beginning, the more fun you can have later on! =)
Congratulations on the job! The kids are getting so big. I want to have a playdate with them :)
You look amazing. I want to try P90X but I'm still trying to figure out how to balance it all.
Well, I can personally vouch for how amazing you look in person! I had NO idea you were doing a dessert catering business! Your cupcakes look amazing!! Can I please sample one or 50 next time we meet up? lol
congrats on the job! I want every. single. one. of those sweets you posted. YUM!
I already commented but I wanted to let you know I passed along some awards...http://confessionsofcityeater.blogspot.com/2012/09/time-warp-thank-yous.html
You look great!
Congrats on the job, and sorry I am so late to comment! I dont know why I didnt see this in my reader before this!
I cants believe how fast the last year has gone, its crazy!
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