Thursday, July 5, 2012

Fourth of July 2012


Liam practicing waving his flag before we left for the parade.



We sat on the lawn of the church that Alex and I got married at and the kids had a great time! I mean what could be better then watching cars, trucks, and rescue vehicles while getting candy thrown at you?!?



One of the state representatives gave us this flag and Lucy would not let it our of her grasp. She hugged the flag for the duration of the parade and even started to doze off with it (then the fire trucks came and baby girl wasn’t a very happy camper).


After naps we went over Alex’s parents house for dinner and had some fun on the slip and slide, Lucy was a big fan!48274acac64a11e1985822000a1d011d_7

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Lucy is adorable with her flag!