Today we took the kids to the Susquehanna Riverlands to have a picnic lunch and go for a walk. It was a gorgeous day and we were so excited to get to enjoy it!
Liam found this stick and proudly announced that it was in fact “a Y”.
Our picnic entertainment was this man who was taping himself performing tricks with hula hoops to techno music….and of course Liam was all “oooh I want to dance, I dance”.
After lunch we took a walk and the kids got to ride in the wagon, they loved it!
When we came home we attempted naps but no one (besides Alex and I) were into that idea. So I made some cookies …. with my little helper at my feet, of course. Since she’s learned to move she is always at my feet…if I strapped a mop on her belly she’d made a great swiffer.
So remember that nap that the kids didn’t think they needed well….both fell asleep watching a movie at 5:45….and neither woke up in good moods. Thankfully both ended up calming down enough to eat dinner and have a fun bath before going to bed for the night, they were wore out.
….but while they took their little impromptu nap I got to take advantage of the kid free time and do a little of this…summer is so close I can taste it (well, certain feel it!), so excited for summer!!
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