Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Coloring Eggs

Today Liam and I colored some eggs for Easter.


We only did a couple and I chose to use some non toxic markers instead of dye because my little “I hate to sleep” baby couldn’t be counted on for a solid nap for Liam and I to make a total mess. It ended up working out perfectly because he wasn’t very into the idea of coloring the eggs, he liked adding the stickers to them more but we had a good time doing a project together.


I asked Liam if he wanted to eat one and of course he said “yes!” but soon changed his mind once I peeled it, shocking HAHA. So I told him I would eat it and he gave me the funniest look…then I took a bite and the little actor that he is starts gagging and saying “eewwww yuck!”…oy vey that boy is something else.


The the two little cutie pies later today….


Can I also just say how awesome my husband is at problem solving for me! Look at my new desktop, yes I am running mac and windows (soely for windows live writer!) yay for being back to easy blogging and yay for parallels!!!



Stephanie said...

I love this idea! This is perfect to do with Cati.

The Howard Bunch said...

I've heard you mention that program before. I need to google it.