Friday, February 24, 2012

When it rains … it pours …

…and I feel like it has been pouring since just before the new year, one thing after another, let’s pray that the tides change, soon please.

So my birthday was on Wednesday, I turned 27 and had a fantastic day. Alex took off and I was able to not have 100% responsibility for two little ones all day. We got up went to get muffins and donuts for breakfast, shower!, meet my Mom for coffee, shop, then go out to dinner with the hubs! Talk about a great day!! After we got home from dinner Liam had a piece of cake, hence the chocolate covered face in the pictures below.


Oh melt my heart, I just love when they play together… Liam was showing Lucy the Fish School game he is currently hooked on.


Lucy just wants to crawl, she can get her chest off the ground and get on her knees but just hasn’t put them both together yet. When she gets really excited/frustrated that she can’t move she just frantically tries to “swim” on the ground by pumping her arms and legs back and forth very fast, it is a pretty funny sight to see.


and then this happened….hahaha


I just can’t get enough baby legs in skinny jeans with shoe socks….oh the sweetness.


Clearly my mustache obsessed two year old also think aliens are going to brainwash us because we all had to wear these last night.


When we welcomed 2012 I didn’t make any “new years resolutions” per say but I did create a list of goals I wanted to complete by the end of the year. I decided, as the list grew, to take some inspiration from Emily and make a 30 by 30 list, thirty things I want to do before I turn 30. Some are big, some small, but all important to me. I just completed my first thing (switched to all glass tupperware) and on Sunday I will do my second (shoot a gun!). I will have to post my full list soon!


Christine said...

This is a great idea! I love that glass tupperware was on your list. I'm going to be switching mine over once I have some spare money.

Bekah said...

Haha I love the foil helmets!

Jessica @ This Blessed Life said...

hahaha oh, i love that switching to glass was on your list! i am always on the lookout for them at goodwill! love it. :)

Megan Templeman said...

You will love shooting a gun! It is so empowering. I really want a pink one from the hubs for me birthday!

Stephanie said...

Happy belated birthday! I hope things start looking up for you soon