Sunday, October 2, 2011

Mama i’m comin home

First thing Friday morning we packed up to head home with Lucy. I had been ready to go home since about four hours after she was born so it was a long time in the hospital which i totally  feel is equivalent to being in jail except in jail people don’t come in your room all hours of the night to poke and prod at you.

The night before we got to leave i finally got a picture with her eyes semi open, they are much bigger but it was hard to get a shot without using he flash. She LOVES staring at her Dada,  no lie she is a Daddy’s girls already. She has super long fingers which you can see in this picture too.


Ready to go home at a perfect fall day. It was in the low 60’s and very sunny. IMG_5685

Getting all strapped in.

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We are home!!! So much better :-)


Life with two. Napping newborn and toddler playing with trains.


Liam of course saying CHEEEEEEEEEESE because the camera was out.IMG_5694

And “sissy” who he also called “DD” and “Woo-she”


Liam loves to pretend to be a rocket so this is him doing “blast-off”, which looks pretty similar to him saying “Mama quit it with the pictures i am playing with my cars here”


Liam is doing so well adjusting to having a little sister around. He loves her so much, it was like he had been waiting for her to come as long as we had and feels the same fulfillment in the family as we do. He gives her tons of hugs and kisses and is always bringing us her hat to put on her head. Today we had to show her his new truck and the snacks he was having. It is so funny to watch him play with his trains and then all the sudden pop up and way “oooh DD” and run over to see her. The hardest part is keeping him from loving on her too much. Luckily we worked hard on touching softly and being gentle with the cats while i was pregnant so he understands to be gentle with her but he has a hard time realizing he can bear his weight on her to get close to her. Aside from that and some paci sharing (shocking right) everything has been going really well.

**A few phone pictures from the last few days**

Going for our tradition Friday night pizza run with the two kiddos!


Liam and I went on a special date yesterday to Target and Sonic, he was enjoying his tots.  IMG_0225[1]

and Miss Lucy finally sleeping this morning after being up all night last night wanting to party. IMG_0229[1]


Anonymous said...

Awe! I'm so excited for you and the family! She looks so tiny in her car seat!!! Congratulations again!!!

Stephanie said...

I'm so glad Liam is adjusting well to Lucy! That must be such a huge relief. I love the picture of Lucy napping and Liam playing.