Saturday, August 27, 2011

Our lives lately, courtesy of phone pictures

Alex took a random weekday off last week (love those) and we took Liam to Barnes and Noble to look at some books and play with the trains. He must have enjoyed it because he kept his cute hat on the entire time which does not happen.


One of our local orchards harvested some of their apples last week and we got some to enjoy. Liam LOVES tart apples, the more sour the better to him!


Playing the “drums” … gotta love the mass mess that can be made in 2 seconds with a toddler.  BUT having a toddler that for the most part listens when you say “ok now lets put everything back” totally rocks!


Last week Liam painted as an art project. He is so weird about getting his hands dirty so i knew traditional finger painting was not going to happen so i gave him a brush with his finger paints and he went to town. He absolutely LOVED it, i have never seen him more focused on something. We hung his canvas on the wall and he points to it so proudly multiple times per day. We will definitely be painting a lot more!

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My nephew, Evan, is staying with my Mom this week while my sister and her husband are on a little vacation and Liam has had a blast hanging out with him.

On Friday they washed my Moms car together and then their bikes.

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Ok….make sure you are sitting down for this one…my kid …he ate pizza! and he said “mmmmmmm” major progress!!!!


Our double stroller came yesterday and Liam was very anxious to try it out (literally hitting the box all day for me to open in so he could see it). Once Alex got home we got it all set up and Liam climbed in faster than we could put him in. He even cried when we took him out so needless to say he loved it.  IMG_0170 IMG_0171

and today we started to welcome Irene….we are boarding ourselves (not literally) inside the house and watching movies in our pj’s all day tomorrow!


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