I really could have linked up with the What I am Loving Wednesday bunch because that is pretty much exactly what this post is going to be! So here are the things i am currently loving….
In all reality I should probably become a sales rep for Scentsy because i just LOVE their products and rave about them to anyone that will listen. A few months ago I saw that their month of July warmer was this adorable cupcake and hoped that I would some how be able to get it. I was so excited when Alex told me to go ahead and buy last week (he loves Scentsy as much as I do). It arrived yesterday and it is just as adorable in person! Next up, maybe for Christmas, i’d love a plug-in warmer and a Scentsy buddy for each of the kiddos rooms.
Lucy’s Room
I cannot wait to show you all Lucy’s room! I am just loving it! I am not into “themes” but if I had to describe her room it would be vintage chic and it is beautiful (it could also be called “thank goodness for pinterest nursery” because that is where so much inspiration came from! I am starting a handmade chenille blanket for her room and can’t wait to see the final product, it is going to be the perfect blanket for her room.
speaking of …. Pinterest
I am sure most of you have heard of pinterest by now and if you have not just close this window and open up pinterest and go…. (see you in a few weeks because it is addicting). I have ALWAYS been one to save ideas on my computer and “star” many, many, many posts in my google reader with ideas. Well, pinterest is a website that allows you to “pin” aka store all of you ideas and inspirations with the original links to the sites where they came from; which is awesome for recipes and tutorials!
Here are some of my favorite pins from this week…. all fall related
Outfits for fall, I am so excited/ready to be in real clothes again!
I am totally making this for our door for football season!

I am loving these planters with pumpkins for our porch this fall.

Doesn’t this salad look awesome?! Pears, cranberries, feta, bacon and chicken …yumm!
Polkadot Posies
Seriously, I have no words to describe how awesome this shop is!! I was telling my Mom that the owner of the shop probably thinks I am a nut because of how many times I have praised her shop and work via conversations on twitter but honestly it is amazing! Obviously when I was pregnant with Liam I was still working and our income was double what it is today so needless to say we had a lot of money to spend on frivolous things for him. With Lucy it is based much more on need than everything we’d want. I knew that my little girl NEEDED bows, BIG bows and lots of them but everything I was finding on etsy was at least $8 each so i held off. I made her a ton of flower clips but just could not get the boutique bow style down enough that i was happy with. A few weeks ago a fellow blogger linked to the Polkadot Posies shop stating that all the bows were under $3, i was so there!!! I got my order three days later (and it came all the way from Texas) and oh my goodness I could not believe the quality of these bows! They are amazing! Lucy now has almost every solid color bow, a big Christmas bow, and a few corkers (which may just be my favorite that I purchased). So if anyone is in the market for bows you much check out this shop! I cannot say enough about it!
Liam’s Age and Stage
I am just loving the age Liam is at and all the fun things he is doing everyday, we have so much fun together and he is just constantly cracking us up with the stuff he comes up with. He loves to play baseball by getting his ball and bat, pretending to hit the ball by throwing it, then drops his bat and runs and then slides….oh and we didn’t teach him this…so it must be genetic to be wired to play baseball! He has to gather up all of his cars before taking a nap, they don’t leave him sight. He is starting to repeat things right after we say them which is so cute but we quickly learned we have to be extra careful.
The Saturday before last my brother graduated from Ball State with his masters and moved a few days later to North Carolina where he will be a doctoral student at East Carolina State. After my parents helped move him in he came back to PA with them for a visit. We went from seeing him almost every other weekend when we lived in Indy to not seeing him since March so we were all super excited for him trip this week. Liam has just been over the moon to have Uncle Matt home. Pop, Liam and Uncle Matt all “plugged in” haha gotta love living in 2011.

Home Stretch
31 weeks….hopefully only 8ish more to go….. yeah the white flag has been thrown and if i could wake up tomorrow and make in the end of September I totally would. I will say that I am super excited that I passed my 1-hour glucose test with flying colors this time (i failed with Liam and had to do the 3-hour test). I totally owe it all to my Mom for being my walking buddy!! I have been 10 times more active this pregnancy than with Liam!
Yesterday I actually googled “can an overactive baby break your water” because I was that concerned that Lucy was going to kick her way through. Holy cow, i thought Liam was active…I think Lucy may give Liam a run for his money once she is here. I have a feeling there will MANY games of tag in our house :-)