Monday, August 23, 2010

Day 10 of 30 Days of Blogging – A photo taken over 10 years ago

I am pretty sure both of these were taken about 10 years ago.

Yupp I used to be a blonde…


and a cheerleader…



Going through all my pictures (because you know when you pull the box out to find one you end up going through the whole thing and reminiscing) I found a few pictures of Alex and I when we were Liam’s ago. I thought it would be fun to play a little game of “who does he look like”. I also found one of me marked 10 months old in the rocking chair that I take Liam’s monthly pictures on…i’ll have to post it after I take his this weekend…ya know ‘cause i’ll have a ten month old this weekend…craziness!

Clearly the apple doesn’t fall far with personality (Liam and Me) … i thought our hair looked a lot alike..don’t you agree HA!


Totally Daddy’s smile! (Liam and Alex)

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and for old time kicks …check out these kids circa 2002!


My verdict…..he totally looks like… Liam!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is great! I love seeing old pictures of people! He does look like your husband!