Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Videos for Grandma

My mom informed me yesterday I was about due to post a new video of Liam so without further ado i give you Liam dancing … it was while watching Glee and no Daddy was not very happy with me about it.

and a mash up of a few random videos from the last week or so.


So in two days Liam will be 9 months old. I am sure you’ve heard “9 months to put it on, 9 months to take it off”…..i guess i have two days to lose about 10 pounds….maybe we’ll go for a walk today….


Stephanie said...

Omg the dancing video is to die for! He's so cute!

Anonymous said...

So cute! I love the dancing. I keep meaning to ask you what software you use to edit your videos and photos. I still have 10+ lbs. to lose, too. Maybe one day it will happen!