Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Spring is coming…

Liam and I had THE BEST day yesterday. It was 60 degrees and the sun was blazing hot so we finally got to take our long awaited weekday walk! We set out around noon and didn’t get home until 2 o’clock. I got in a nice, long walk and Liam got to swing on the swing at the play ground for the first time. When we got home he was in the best mood. He was laughing and squealing in joy for a good hour.


Once Alex got home from work we had dinner quick and then set out to the play ground again.


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There were so many other mom’s out walking yesterday. I found myself refraining from running outside yelling “I have a baby too, let’s be friends” more than once HAHA.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

OMG, I checked out that Bathluve and just bought one- thanks for the suggestion! I know Emma (and probably Josh) will love it.

Your son is cute :)