Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Snow, Sunshine, Shopping

Yesterday Liam and I spent the afternoon like this…


….because this is what it looked like outside

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…oh and yes he forecast for Easter is still hot!


Today it was much nicer out so we went to the mall with Alex’s mom to do some shopping for little man….he got spoiled rotten and left with some adorable stuff!


Alex and I have been looking all over for little aviators for Liam and today we finally found them at baby gap….still a little big but OH SO cute!


Liam got a ball pit for Easter and has been having a great time playing!

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Isn’t this hat the cutest thing? Liam is real excited that the sun will no longer be in his eyes during our walks.

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Monday, March 29, 2010

An upgrade?

We are still in PA visiting with family and are having a wonderful time. Yesterday we had our family photo shoot with Shane East and it was so much fun! I ended up getting an outfit at Target and it coordinated perfect with the boys. We went for our screening today and we couldn’t be happier with our picture, we got some great ones i can’t wait to share. Liam even had real bunnies hopping on him for some pictures, too cute!

Liam has been having a little bit of a hard time adjusting to being away from home. His sleep schedule, well more so his nap schedule is still off and he is so stimulated every day between meeting new people and constantly being on the go. I had a slight breakdown yesterday and we at the point where i just wanted to be home and get my happy baby back. It is not that i get frustrated with Liam when he is upset it is that i feel bad for him because i know at home I'd be able to calm him down in no time and provide him with what he needs. Oh well, here’s hoping the days keep getting easier for him. Here are some pictures from the last two days.

Oh, so let me talk about my latest dilemma! When we arrived in PA it was in the 30’s, well actually when we arrived that morning it was 28 degrees but i will round to 30. So today’s forecast showed that on Easter it is going to be 80?!? Really Pennsylvania 28 degrees to 80 in a week! All i have to say is the knit hooded outfit Liam is suppose to wear for Easter number 1 might not be too appropriate.

Liam getting pushed around in his walker, he is a bit too short to reach.


Liam and Daddy playing.

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Liam and “Aunt” Ashely!


Passed out after a long day of shopping.


So stuffed he needed to unbutton his pants.


Liam being a silly boy…..look at that drool!


Alright now let’s talk about the title to this post. I am contemplating upgrading my camera to a SLR, a Canon Rebel XSi to be exact. Have you ever had something continuously come up EVERYWHERE…well, that is what the canon rebel has done to me over the last month or so. It seems everywhere i look or everyone i talk to the rebel surfaces. I take a TON of pictures and truly enjoy capturing amazing moments so we will never forget. I have seen what great pictures the rebel is able to capture and that is what is pushing me in the direction of upgrading from my digital point and shoot. So for all of you that have a SLR camera what do you think? It is a good investment? 

Saturday, March 27, 2010

We made it!

Thursday night at 8pm we packed up the car and headed out for an, intended, 10 hour drive to Pennsylvania. We arrived in Pennsylvania at 8:30 Friday morning after traveling through a horrible snow and ice storm, thank you Ohio… Here is the front of our car that morning, poor Leroy needs a bath.


Liam did awesome in the car. We decided to travel at night so that he would not have his sleep schedule all messed up if we would have traveled during the day. He woke up once at 4:30 and was smiling and playing with Sophie before having a little bottle and falling back to sleep. He woke up around 7am and stayed awake until we arrived. He was having a great time sitting in the back with Daddy looking out the window. This was Liam the first time he has mountains! I blew his mind!


We had a wonderful first day in PA. Liam got to meet my Grandmother and Aunt for the first time and they were over the moon for that little boy. He was so sweet and in such a great mood and certainly provided us with endless entertainment.

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There was no way we would have been able to fit Liam’s tub in the car since he came bearing almost everything else he owns so we put him in the big tub and well…needless to say had an adventure.


Isn’t this cup fun. My mom got this tea cup for Christmas and it is just adorable. The handle looks like a huge diamond ring!


Liam and I checking out Uncle Matt’s old room.

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For Easter I am making cake balls, which i have been super excited about! I was telling my mom about them yesterday and we got to talking about our plan for Easter desserts. We decided to make three kinds of cake balls, carrot cake with cream cheese frosting, vanilla with vanilla frosting, and chocolate with chocolate frosting. We are only going to make half the cake into the cake balls and then make cupcakes with the rest. Right before we left on Thursday I was checking my google reader and came across, what i thought, was the worlds best idea for a cupcake! If you have not seen this already you need to check out Peabody’s Blog for the Cadbery Ceame Egg Cupcakes!!!! This is what we will be making with the other half of the chocolate cake! Alex is going to love me forever after this. Just look at this picture she took, it is enough to make me run out and buy all the ingredients now just to try them…and then possible go into sugar shock but it would be well worth it.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I got crafty and solved a problem

I made a leash for Sophie so someone can no longer throw her over the edge of the exersaucer, car seat, or any other elevated surface.


I made one for gup-gup too.DSC01899

I have been working like crazy during nap time trying to get us all packed for our trip coming up. Our room was an absolute disaster yesterday. I am fairly certain i tried on 75% of the clothes i own. I snapped a picture of the outfits before i packed them so that i could look back and pack my shoes and jewelry later.


While visiting we are having our first professional photo shoot and i have been trying to come up with a cute outfit theme for all of us. The boys outfits are already taken care of; Liam is wearing the  blue knit coverall i bought him last week and Alex is wearing dark jeans, a light blue button down shirt and a chocolate brown sweater over. I know exactly what i want to wear but i can’t find it for a decent price; the cardigan from J Crew is $100…umm NO. Here is the ultimate outfit i’d like to wear (the shoes, and jeans i already have). If anyone knows where i can buy a light blue, 3/4 length sleeve cardigan with detailing around the neckline at a steal please let me know, i think i’ve looked everywhere!


I also got my hair cut over the weekend for the occasion. Probably not the best picture but there is a handsome little man in it with me to make up for it. This is us last night watching Biggest Loser. I guess getting red eyes in pictures is genetic, sorry Liam.


Monday, March 22, 2010

Happy 5 Month Birthday Liam

Dear Liam,


    Today you are 5 months old. You and I both have grown this month and reached out from our comfort zone to experience new and exciting things. You seem to have learned something new each day this month. It is amazing to watch you in a few environment because you sit so still and calm, processing to take everything in.

    To say you love your “doorway” jumper would be an understatement (i put doorway in quotes because we actually have it rigged up between our dining room and living room). You can jump SO high and laugh and squeal in delight the whole time. We also raise the jumper so your feet don’t touch and swing you; you love it and often belly laugh the whole time. There have even been a few times you have jumped yourself to sleep….as seen below.

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     This month you tried almost every fruit and vegetable and loved them all. I think your favorite is apples. Here you are eating avocado; i am so happy i will have someone to share guacamole with in my future!


You have become conscious of Kinsey and Nigel this month and are obsessed with them! Every time they come into the room they get 100% of your attention. If you are in your exersaucer and one sits in front of you, you try to jump out to get them. Those poor cats are in for a treat once you learn to crawl.


You have learned to make so many new faces this month and they all crack me up. DSC01380 DSC01414 

You have your hands in your mouth 75% of the day and the other 25% you usually have a toy in there that you are chewing on. You drool on everything and usually go through 2-3 bibs a day. Gosh, i can’t imagine what the drooling will be like when you truly start getting teeth in. DSC01432 DSC01574


You love to do airplane!


…and grab your toes


You favorite outfit is none!


You are getting a lot better at sitting by yourself and at times can do it more almost a minute.


Whenever we put you on your back you roll over almost immediately! For a kid who hated tummy time you only want to be on your tummy trying to crawl. This has made diaper changes a battle lately.


For the past two weeks you have been trying your hardest to crawl.



We were finally able to get out of the house and go for a few long walks. You love being in your stroller, whether we are walking around the neighborhood or shopping you stay away the entire time and just look around. You are such the ladies man when we go shopping, always batting those big blue eyes and flashing a big gummy smile to all the ladies. A few lucky ones even got a giggle out of you.  It seems every time we leave the house you return in the best mood, both of these pictures are post walk, you were such a happy boy.

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Speaking of going on walks, you got to go on the swing at the park for the first time this month and loved it. You smiles and laughed the whole time. I think we could have been there all afternoon.


It is amazing how much and how long you play in your exersaucer. What 4 month old can entertain themselves for upwards of an hour?!? You are amazing. You learned this month how to turn yourself around to play with the different toys. You also have great eye sight. If you are playing in your exersacuer you can see me doing the dishes in the kitchen.

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You suddenly developed a liking for the MAM pacifiers this month, it is still weird to not see you with the huge soothie paci all the time.


We have been watching American Idol this month. You and I both like Lee. No matter what you are doing you will stop and turn to watch him sing.


You celebrated your first St. Patrick’s Day this month. You are not a bit Irish but Mommy’s favorite color is green so we pretend like we are for one day.


You went out to dinner for the first time this month as well. Your Dad and I parked the car and stood outside your door contemplating if we were going to go in facing the unknown or go through the drive thou somewhere else. Well we did it and it was great! You did awesome and loved being out.



You laugh at everything! From being tickled or bombarded with kisses, to swinging and funny faces and laughs…it is such a sweet sound.

Your Dad is already your biggest fan, he is absolutely crazy about you. There is not a day that has gone by that he hasn’t said how cool you are, how cute you are, how much he loves you, or how you are the best. Everyone is starting to say that you are looking more like him everyday and i’d have to agree. There was one afternoon we were at the park and i thought to myself, oh my goodness i am pushing a little Alex on this swing but i wouldn’t have it any other way…your Dad is one handsome man! Papa’s fingers are your favorite chew toy, yes i make sure they are clean. Another trait you inherited from him that started shining through this month is a short temper fuse.  Watching you get frustrated when you try to crawl and only move backwards or try to grab every toy in site but only grab what those two little hands can fit is a lot like watching him play xbox….fists are thrown, toys are slammed into hard surfaces making loud noises, and high pitches screams come from your little mouth. At 5 months it is cute … but we need to start working on breaking this habit little man.

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You out grew the first strap position in your car seat so we moved them up for you.


…and our biggest achievement this month you are officially not being swaddled anymore for bed time!!!!! As well as you being successful at putting your pacifier back in by yourself a few times.


You officially outgrew your 0-3 and 3 months clothes and are now wearing 3-6 or 6 month in most sizes or 9 month in Ralph Lauren (they are sized ridiculously small). You moved up to a size 3 diaper because the 2’s were getting too tight  to close around your legs. You still nap once in the morning from 9-10 and then a good 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon around 12:30, and then go to bed around 9 every night. As i type this letter to you you are taking another big step towards growing up. Up until now you have ALWAYS taken your afternoon nap in your swing. Every time i have tried to lay you down in your pack and play or even bouncy seat your nap only lasts a short while. Well here you are today … a solid 2 hours into your nap. I was lucky enough to share the first hour along side of you, that is the best!


We have a very exciting month coming up with a visit to Pennsylvania where there are a ton of people anxiously waiting to meet you. We are so excited for you to meet everyone and to see mountains :-) and all of the wonderful things that your Dad and I grew up with. I love you Liam more than you will ever know.

Love you always little man,


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Look at how you’ve grown…..
