Baby Liam is on his way!!!!
On Wednesday, June 3rd at 3:30pm we had out BIG ultrasound. I seemed like the longest day of my life waiting until 3:30. I was really nervous before we left because i knew to the doctors this ultrasound what not just to find out if you were a boy or a girl but to make sure you were healthy and intact. 90 minutes before the appointment i needed to drink 24oz of water and finish 45 minutes before the start of the appointment. When we got to the doctors office i thought i was going to POP! The ultrasound tech took up back to an amazing ultrasound room. The had a flat screen monitor on the wall to make it easy for us to watch along. When she started she immediately said WOW because my bladder was bigger then you! She took only a few pictures then send me to the bathroom :-) aaahhhhh :-) When i got back the real ultrasound began and so did you activity! The tech asked me if i had been feeling any movement. Of course i said YES! and told her that you can actually see it from the outside. She said "wow that is really odd to be able to see it at only 19 weeks along", i don't think she really believed me.......until later :-) We saw all of your organs: bladder, kidneys, stomach, brain, etc; she did measurements of your arms, legs, head, and body and you measured just perfect! Then she said "alright do you want to know what is ..." and we swiftly replied "YES" and she said "It's A BOY!" :-) OMG we are having a boy. I was convinced that you were a girl but i think that is because i really wanted a boy but never thought i would be so blessed. I turned to your dad and smiles with so much joy! During the ultrasound you also waved to us :-) which was amazing, the tech said most babies hold their hands in fists by their face, not you, you waves fingers spread wide, you must have gotten that outgoing-ness from your father. At one point you were using my bladder as a trampoline. You would tuck in a ball and jump off, continuously. Also, while the tech has the probe on me you kicked it so hard you moved it away...then she knew i wasn't kidding :-)

After the ultrasound we got in the car and send a massive text message to all of our friends and co-workers. Then i called Gradma and Pop H and Uncle Matt, i told them 'It's a boy' and everyone SCREAMED and Grandma cried :-) everyone is so excited to meet you. That night we went to dinner at Longhorns Steakhouse to celebrate Baby Liam's impending arrival!. Then we went to shop for some blue. We went to Marshall's and got you a few outfits; a couple cute bodysuits with animals on them, a MVP baseball PJ set, a one piece navy blue Ralph Lauren polo --which will go GREAT with your white shoes, and a izod polo with plaid shorts. Then we went to target to get hangers and i also got you a red and blue rugby striped footed PJ's that say Daddy Loves Me with a cute navy hoodie.
The next morning i was online looking at bedding and got all chocked up. It really hit me the next morning that we are going to have a SON. I am beyond excited. I cannot wait until you are here so that i can hold you, look at you, and show you the world! I can't wait to watch you and your Dad playing outside, take you to the park, wrap you up in a towel after a nice bath, read you stories, and make you amazing baby food :-) I can't wait to help you learn to walk, and see you smile and laugh. There are so many exciting things that are about to happen in our lives and i am looking forward to them more than anything i have ever looked forward to before.
Last night, 6/6, i bought the bumper for your crib. It is from Restoration Hardware and it is called cuddle plush...sounds comfy huh? Now the debate is what colors to paint your room, your Dad and I are on opposite sides with this one. I want light blue/gray and he wants dark blue.....we will see who wins OR what the compromise is.
Love you Liam!!!!
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