Thursday, June 25, 2009
22 week appointment
Just got back from the doctor and little man looks great! The results from the anatomy ultrasound were all normal and he is in the 59 percentile :-) is such a relief to know that everything developed correctly. We also got to hear his heartbeat which the doctor said was nice and strong. I, on the other hand, found out that i have gained 13 pounds so! I hit went over the 140 mark this month which is the first time in my life i have been in that range. I am almost always in the 120's when i gained a little weight a few years ago i was in the low 130's but today saw 141 which was a bit of a shock but it is for a great cause. I just need to make sure i keep eating when i am hungry and not use the pregnancy as an excuse to go wild like some people do.
Monday, June 22, 2009
(almost) 22 weeks
How far along: 21 weeks 5 days
Total weight gain/loss: +9 pounds
Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks? none that are noticeable
Sleep: not too bad, it has been very hot 90+ degrees which has made sleep challenging for everyone
Best moment this week: ordering Liam's furniture!!!! and getting the rest of the bedding :-)
Food cravings: i really wanted a ham sandwich again....
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: being in PA
What I am looking forward to: Alex's family is coming next week and we get to shop for Liam :-)
Weekly Wisdom: I want October to be here when i wake up tomorrow and what i have been TRYING to instill in my mind is to enjoy these last four months of it just being Alex and I, make the most of our time as a family of two, get the best sleep i can, keep working on the nursery and make it amazing, October will be here before we know it and i won't ever have this time back so i should stop wishing it away.
Milestones: ordering furniture, it makes it even more real ... next week i will be 6 months along :-)
Total weight gain/loss: +9 pounds
Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks? none that are noticeable
Sleep: not too bad, it has been very hot 90+ degrees which has made sleep challenging for everyone
Best moment this week: ordering Liam's furniture!!!! and getting the rest of the bedding :-)
Food cravings: i really wanted a ham sandwich again....
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: being in PA
What I am looking forward to: Alex's family is coming next week and we get to shop for Liam :-)
Weekly Wisdom: I want October to be here when i wake up tomorrow and what i have been TRYING to instill in my mind is to enjoy these last four months of it just being Alex and I, make the most of our time as a family of two, get the best sleep i can, keep working on the nursery and make it amazing, October will be here before we know it and i won't ever have this time back so i should stop wishing it away.
Milestones: ordering furniture, it makes it even more real ... next week i will be 6 months along :-)
My life today
June 21st, 2009
Outside my window...the road has dried from the early morning store, i need to bring our trash can in and get our mail.
I am much i want to be a SAHM, what i can do to make money while home, how much i wish i could straighten up this house and go to the grocery store, how much i can't wait for October to be here.
I am thankful husband, family, in-laws, friends, our beautiful home, that we have jobs in the economy, the blessing of baby Liam, the hope of good things to come.
From the kitchen...i have a cup of tea and lemon cookie straws.
I am wearing...Alex sweat pants and a white tee shirt.
I am Liam's room.
I am straighten my house on my lunch break.
I am reading...What to Expect When your Expecting.
I am hoping...for a great visit with the in-laws.
I am hearing...the fan inside my work computer running and my keys typing.
Around the house...there is some weekend clutter that needs to be picked up and clothes in the bedroom that need to be put away.
One of my favorite looking at before and after furniture that folks find at yard sales/goodwill and refinish, it inspires me and amazes me at the potential things have.
A few plans for the rest of the week...working Monday-Friday, doctors appointment on Thrusday, canal day at work on Friday, corn hole tournament and cookout on Saturday with Alex softball team, and going to two softball games on Sunday, oh and frantically cleaning because my in-laws are coming on Tuesday!!! Fingers crossed that the crib and glider come in this weekend so that Alex and his dad can put it together and i can make up baby Liam's crib!!!!!
A picture to share... table top idea for baby shower
June 21st, 2009
Outside my window...the road has dried from the early morning store, i need to bring our trash can in and get our mail.
I am much i want to be a SAHM, what i can do to make money while home, how much i wish i could straighten up this house and go to the grocery store, how much i can't wait for October to be here.
I am thankful husband, family, in-laws, friends, our beautiful home, that we have jobs in the economy, the blessing of baby Liam, the hope of good things to come.
From the kitchen...i have a cup of tea and lemon cookie straws.
I am wearing...Alex sweat pants and a white tee shirt.
I am Liam's room.
I am straighten my house on my lunch break.
I am reading...What to Expect When your Expecting.
I am hoping...for a great visit with the in-laws.
I am hearing...the fan inside my work computer running and my keys typing.
Around the house...there is some weekend clutter that needs to be picked up and clothes in the bedroom that need to be put away.
One of my favorite looking at before and after furniture that folks find at yard sales/goodwill and refinish, it inspires me and amazes me at the potential things have.
A few plans for the rest of the week...working Monday-Friday, doctors appointment on Thrusday, canal day at work on Friday, corn hole tournament and cookout on Saturday with Alex softball team, and going to two softball games on Sunday, oh and frantically cleaning because my in-laws are coming on Tuesday!!! Fingers crossed that the crib and glider come in this weekend so that Alex and his dad can put it together and i can make up baby Liam's crib!!!!!
A picture to share... table top idea for baby shower

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
My favorite frozen dinner EVER
Monday, June 15, 2009
I love never being alone
I saw this quote and thought it was very fitting
A mother's joy begins when new life is stirring inside... when a tiny heartbeat is heard for the very first time, and a playful kick reminds her that she is never alone.
A mother's joy begins when new life is stirring inside... when a tiny heartbeat is heard for the very first time, and a playful kick reminds her that she is never alone.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Changing Table and Bedding
Last night Alex picked up the changing table that we purchased, new, off craigslist. I was a little worried because in the picture it looks like a lighter shade of cherry than the crib is. When Alex got home he said that the guy said a lot of people have come to purchase it and changed their mind because it was too dark!! matches perfectly!!!!!!! I am beyond happy with the changing table. We put it together after dinner last night and i am so in love with it and so happy i have a place to put all of Liam's socks and hats :-) Plus, it was am amazing deal. It retails for $170 and we got it, again new in the book, for $60!
Yesterday morning i also purchases the rest of his bedding from Restoration Hardware. I already received the bumper pad on Wendesday and just love it. So yesterday i got the matching crib skirt and a decorative pillow with his name monogrammed on it. We also finally decided on paint colors! The bedding is cloud blue (very very light blue) and toast (tan). Alex really wanted some dark color on the walls so we settled for cloud blue on the top and dark navy on the bottom with a white chair rail and tan curtains.
Yesterday i was also off of work and slept the day shopping for the little one, shocking i know. I got some great deals and awesome clothes for him. I spend around $50 at Kohl's and on the receipt it said you saved $127 :-) I also got him the cutest puma socks that look like sneakers and wooden letters to spell his name on the wall. The little mans closet is filling up :-)
Yesterday morning i also purchases the rest of his bedding from Restoration Hardware. I already received the bumper pad on Wendesday and just love it. So yesterday i got the matching crib skirt and a decorative pillow with his name monogrammed on it. We also finally decided on paint colors! The bedding is cloud blue (very very light blue) and toast (tan). Alex really wanted some dark color on the walls so we settled for cloud blue on the top and dark navy on the bottom with a white chair rail and tan curtains.
Yesterday i was also off of work and slept the day shopping for the little one, shocking i know. I got some great deals and awesome clothes for him. I spend around $50 at Kohl's and on the receipt it said you saved $127 :-) I also got him the cutest puma socks that look like sneakers and wooden letters to spell his name on the wall. The little mans closet is filling up :-)
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
20 weeks -- Half way there!!
How far along: 20 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +9 pounds, not sure why i was weight 10+ pounds last week
Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks? ?? a few i think
Sleep: a little painful, i think last night Liam was scared on the thunder because he would kick really hard every time it happened
Best moment this week: finding out we are having a BOY!!!! and seeing him kick on the outside
Food cravings: nothing different this week
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: PA
What I am looking forward to: getting the changing table tomorrow and the bedding that shipped today
Weekly Wisdom: ?
Milestones: HALF WAY DONE!! I can't wait to hold this little guy!
Total weight gain/loss: +9 pounds, not sure why i was weight 10+ pounds last week
Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks? ?? a few i think
Sleep: a little painful, i think last night Liam was scared on the thunder because he would kick really hard every time it happened
Best moment this week: finding out we are having a BOY!!!! and seeing him kick on the outside
Food cravings: nothing different this week
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: PA
What I am looking forward to: getting the changing table tomorrow and the bedding that shipped today
Weekly Wisdom: ?
Milestones: HALF WAY DONE!! I can't wait to hold this little guy!
I really liked this quote.
"Yesterday happened the way it did so today could happen the way it should."
"Yesterday happened the way it did so today could happen the way it should."
Sunday, June 7, 2009
It's a ...........

Baby Liam is on his way!!!!
On Wednesday, June 3rd at 3:30pm we had out BIG ultrasound. I seemed like the longest day of my life waiting until 3:30. I was really nervous before we left because i knew to the doctors this ultrasound what not just to find out if you were a boy or a girl but to make sure you were healthy and intact. 90 minutes before the appointment i needed to drink 24oz of water and finish 45 minutes before the start of the appointment. When we got to the doctors office i thought i was going to POP! The ultrasound tech took up back to an amazing ultrasound room. The had a flat screen monitor on the wall to make it easy for us to watch along. When she started she immediately said WOW because my bladder was bigger then you! She took only a few pictures then send me to the bathroom :-) aaahhhhh :-) When i got back the real ultrasound began and so did you activity! The tech asked me if i had been feeling any movement. Of course i said YES! and told her that you can actually see it from the outside. She said "wow that is really odd to be able to see it at only 19 weeks along", i don't think she really believed me.......until later :-) We saw all of your organs: bladder, kidneys, stomach, brain, etc; she did measurements of your arms, legs, head, and body and you measured just perfect! Then she said "alright do you want to know what is ..." and we swiftly replied "YES" and she said "It's A BOY!" :-) OMG we are having a boy. I was convinced that you were a girl but i think that is because i really wanted a boy but never thought i would be so blessed. I turned to your dad and smiles with so much joy! During the ultrasound you also waved to us :-) which was amazing, the tech said most babies hold their hands in fists by their face, not you, you waves fingers spread wide, you must have gotten that outgoing-ness from your father. At one point you were using my bladder as a trampoline. You would tuck in a ball and jump off, continuously. Also, while the tech has the probe on me you kicked it so hard you moved it away...then she knew i wasn't kidding :-)

After the ultrasound we got in the car and send a massive text message to all of our friends and co-workers. Then i called Gradma and Pop H and Uncle Matt, i told them 'It's a boy' and everyone SCREAMED and Grandma cried :-) everyone is so excited to meet you. That night we went to dinner at Longhorns Steakhouse to celebrate Baby Liam's impending arrival!. Then we went to shop for some blue. We went to Marshall's and got you a few outfits; a couple cute bodysuits with animals on them, a MVP baseball PJ set, a one piece navy blue Ralph Lauren polo --which will go GREAT with your white shoes, and a izod polo with plaid shorts. Then we went to target to get hangers and i also got you a red and blue rugby striped footed PJ's that say Daddy Loves Me with a cute navy hoodie.
The next morning i was online looking at bedding and got all chocked up. It really hit me the next morning that we are going to have a SON. I am beyond excited. I cannot wait until you are here so that i can hold you, look at you, and show you the world! I can't wait to watch you and your Dad playing outside, take you to the park, wrap you up in a towel after a nice bath, read you stories, and make you amazing baby food :-) I can't wait to help you learn to walk, and see you smile and laugh. There are so many exciting things that are about to happen in our lives and i am looking forward to them more than anything i have ever looked forward to before.
Last night, 6/6, i bought the bumper for your crib. It is from Restoration Hardware and it is called cuddle plush...sounds comfy huh? Now the debate is what colors to paint your room, your Dad and I are on opposite sides with this one. I want light blue/gray and he wants dark blue.....we will see who wins OR what the compromise is.
Love you Liam!!!!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Updating ...Finally much has happened since the last time i posted! Arg ...why can't i keep up with updates!
May 21st we had our 17 week check up and things went great! For the first time we were able to HEAR the heartbeat, the doctor said the little one is too big to hind anymore :-) He then went on to tell us stories about other very active children and how some will move while we (on the outside) are listening to the heartbeat and wouldn't you know not two seconds later the little one dove down and turned so the doctor had to hunt for it for a few minutes :-) I guess your shy like you mama or just a little stinker :-)
During the last few weeks i have started to feel the baby move! It is amazing, crazy but absolutely the best feeling ever. Over the past week it has gotten stronger and i swear our child is taking kick boxing classes. Alex said it is a baby Fedor :-) I was so excited on Sunday because Alex was able to feel it for the first was awesome. I have to laugh at some of the times the baby starts to kick; for likes the Jonas Brothers, Krispie Kream doughnuts, gets board at work, and didn't like when i was relaxing getting a prenatal massage. :-)
My family was here from the 21st to Memorial Day and we had a great time. We were able to go out for a wonderful dinner at Stone Creek to celebrate mothers day, my dad's birthday, matt's graduation, and our and my parents anniversary. On Sunday the boys went the Indy 500 and my mom and i went shopping and to lunch. We went to Babies R Us and picked out the nursery room furniture which i am so in love with then we went to Buy Buy Baby and then to lunch at Stir Crazy which was amazing! Last we went to Motherhood and my mom bought me some amazing clothes for the summer! You Pops (my dad) also told me that my due date is my grandfathers birthday! He really wants you to stay in there until that day, which would be amazing and very special.
Tomorrow is a BIG day! It is our big ultrasound where we get to know if it is a Liam or a Lucy in there. I have been scouring the internet looking for all the old wives tales to see if i could make an educated guess, you know because tomorrow still seems too far away. Here are the stats from family guesses. All of Alex's family thinks it is a boy, my mom and brother also think it is a boy, as well as Alex, me, my dad and sister, as well as some co-workers think it will be a we will see whose right. From the old wives tales and Chinese predictor chart it says boy.
May 21st we had our 17 week check up and things went great! For the first time we were able to HEAR the heartbeat, the doctor said the little one is too big to hind anymore :-) He then went on to tell us stories about other very active children and how some will move while we (on the outside) are listening to the heartbeat and wouldn't you know not two seconds later the little one dove down and turned so the doctor had to hunt for it for a few minutes :-) I guess your shy like you mama or just a little stinker :-)
During the last few weeks i have started to feel the baby move! It is amazing, crazy but absolutely the best feeling ever. Over the past week it has gotten stronger and i swear our child is taking kick boxing classes. Alex said it is a baby Fedor :-) I was so excited on Sunday because Alex was able to feel it for the first was awesome. I have to laugh at some of the times the baby starts to kick; for likes the Jonas Brothers, Krispie Kream doughnuts, gets board at work, and didn't like when i was relaxing getting a prenatal massage. :-)
My family was here from the 21st to Memorial Day and we had a great time. We were able to go out for a wonderful dinner at Stone Creek to celebrate mothers day, my dad's birthday, matt's graduation, and our and my parents anniversary. On Sunday the boys went the Indy 500 and my mom and i went shopping and to lunch. We went to Babies R Us and picked out the nursery room furniture which i am so in love with then we went to Buy Buy Baby and then to lunch at Stir Crazy which was amazing! Last we went to Motherhood and my mom bought me some amazing clothes for the summer! You Pops (my dad) also told me that my due date is my grandfathers birthday! He really wants you to stay in there until that day, which would be amazing and very special.
Tomorrow is a BIG day! It is our big ultrasound where we get to know if it is a Liam or a Lucy in there. I have been scouring the internet looking for all the old wives tales to see if i could make an educated guess, you know because tomorrow still seems too far away. Here are the stats from family guesses. All of Alex's family thinks it is a boy, my mom and brother also think it is a boy, as well as Alex, me, my dad and sister, as well as some co-workers think it will be a we will see whose right. From the old wives tales and Chinese predictor chart it says boy.
19 weeks
How far along: 19 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +10 pounds
Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks? none yet
Sleep: better than before, i got a new pillow which has helped a lot
Best moment this week: Alex feeling the baby kick for the first time, his face was priceless!
Food cravings: None the past few weeks although i did find a new favorite drink at Sonic ... apple juice slush
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: my family who visited us a week ago
What I am looking forward to: tomorrow......we find out if it is a little Liam or Lucy kickboxing in their
Weekly Wisdom: ?
Milestones: half way done next week! wow!!! and finally getting to shop for pink or blue
Total weight gain/loss: +10 pounds
Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks? none yet
Sleep: better than before, i got a new pillow which has helped a lot
Best moment this week: Alex feeling the baby kick for the first time, his face was priceless!
Food cravings: None the past few weeks although i did find a new favorite drink at Sonic ... apple juice slush
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: my family who visited us a week ago
What I am looking forward to: tomorrow......we find out if it is a little Liam or Lucy kickboxing in their
Weekly Wisdom: ?
Milestones: half way done next week! wow!!! and finally getting to shop for pink or blue
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