Monday, October 21, 2013

Liam's John Deere Tractor 4th Birthday Party!

 I honestly feel like we have been planning this John Deere party since last November aka right after his 3rd birthday party. There was a lot of anticipation building up to party day. It was so much fun this year because Liam was so into it and excited for his birthday party! We had his party on Friday night because i had two big orders the next day and i didn't want him to have to wait a whole week after his birthday to celebrate. So a Friday night pizza party it was!

In addition to pizza we had a chili bar and fall salad.

Dessert was a pumpkin cake with cinnamon maple icing topped with a rice krispie treat "hay bale", dirt cups, and snickerdoodles.

The kids playing!

 Family and friends

Jer, Jeff and Baby Emma

 Time to open gifts!!! Liam was such a joy to watch, he was SO excited for everything he opened. There was a lot of yelling when he opened a few things he has really been hoping for (Dinosaur Train Mountain Track and Grave Digger model).

Monday, October 14, 2013

Packing Up and Smash Book

A few weeks before vacation i picked up a smash book at target on clearance for $3. I took it with us with the hopes of everyone jotting down memories throughout the trip and a way of keeping all of the things you collect during a vacation. It worked better then expect and I am so happy with the treasure it became! 
Here is what i took with me: the book and a ziplock with items to put it all together.
Inside the ziplock was  coordinating washi tape, pen and smash book pen which also has a glue stick, and two smash book tablets. Honestly the only thing i really ended up using was washi take, pen and glue stick!

 Lots of memories written by everyone

Once we got home i got our favorite pictures printed and stuck them in. On days when i had a lot i layered them like a flip book.
I collected receipts and small items from stores that i knew i could put in the book (like the little pirate coin from the Festival Island gift shop).

I also picked up buisness cards from almost everywhere we went!

sand from our private beach and a few small shells (i had more in there but it made the book really bulky)

 The top of our Duck Donuts box

Last pictures of the kiddos in the vacation house as Alex was loading up the car with last minute things before we hit the road.

Sunset Dolphine Cruise

Some more vacation pictures

 Can we take a moment to notice what two peas in a pod Alex and his Dad are...

Its my birthday and i'll lounge if i want to! 

Poor Liam mid wipe out

 He was pretending to be a bird
 The seagull that Lucy was pretending to be and Liam chased down the beach
these guys were really fun to watch