I am jumping on board with my dear friend Jessica from This Blessed Life and doing a "What I'm Loving Wednesday - June Edition" post for all the things I am loving so far this summer.
I'm loving... SHERLOCK! I am SHERLOCKED! My brother had been raving about this show for months but Alex and I had a few shows going at the time and never got around to watching it. Until last week... and by this weekend we had finished. Granted there is only 10 episodes but each are an hour and a half long so it is like watching a movie. Seriously i cannot even tell you how much we LOVE this show! .....and let's just say i have a soft spot for a guy is a great coat... who also drinks tea... and is British.... it's just a win win win for me! If you have netflix run to your tv right now and put this show on!!!
I'm loving... swimming!! The weather has been beautiful here and by beautiful i mean upwards of 90 and sunny which to me is awesome!!! We have been getting a lot of use out of our pool and i just love these puddle jumpers. Liam has become so independent in the pool with this and is just rocking it. Not only does he swim around like a fish but he also loves to use his squirt gun, while swimming, and attack everyone.
I'm loving... these earrings i got at Target on clearance for $3, i've been wearing them all the time!
I'm loving... walmart dresses, i know i know but seriously i have got a few for me ($10) and Lucy ($5) and we have both been wearing them all the time. I was never a real sun dress wearer but this year i can't get enough they are just so comfy!
I'm loving... this conditioning detangler from Not Your Mother's, it was about $4 at Walmart. Since we have been swimming a lot my hair is a hot mess when i get out so i've been spraying it with this before combing it out and it has been working great!
I'm loving... suki face lemongrass sugar cleanser. I got this in my birchbox this month and just love it. It is so fresh smelling and really makes your skin feel both smooth and clean. Very refreshing for the summer.
I'm loving... coconut water popsicles. I feel like coconut water is something people just love or hate and i am one of the lovers. This one has chunks of pineapple in it and is to die for. So perfect for a hot day by the pool.
I'm loving... NYC lip stains. Once upon a time there was a young high school girl who applied lip gloss every 5 seconds (Lip Smackers Birthday Cake)... then she met a boy who wasn't fond of giving the girl a between class smooch with the lip gloss on so the girl kicked the gloss cold turkey.... then the girl married the boy and well..... the lip care got put on the back burner for a long time. Maybe it is the nearing of 30 that has made me feel the need for some lip color but i have finally found a great solution with lip stains! I got one a few months ago in my birchbox and loved it. Then a few weeks ago at Target i saw this one by NYC which was around $3 and decided to try it and happily found that i love it (and for the record i even get a smooch with it because it doesn't rub off) ;-)
I'm loving... new cleaning products. I am kind of a nut about keeping our house in order and clean. If it isn't it makes me all crazy and irritable. I have been using Mrs Meyers products for about two years now. I was a huge fan of the basil scent (like sprayed the counters just so i could smell them) but i used that when i was super sick while pregnant with Lucy and now i can't stand the smell because it instantly makes me feel queasy again. I got an email at the beginning of spring about the release of this radish line and was intrigued. I mean radish, it sounds gross! A few months later i saw it at Target and picked up a bottle and seriously don't think i'll ever use another scent again. It is fantastic!! It is very fresh and clean (totally just started singing the OutKast song after typing that).
I'm loving... my new mop! I have tried just about everything with our floors and the only thing that really gets them looking nice is a good old fashion hand scrubbing which is a pain in the butt (back and knees actually). I saw this Reveal mop by Rubbermaid over a year ago and just didn't want to put out the money for it at the time. It is only $20 but still, it just wasn't something i felt i NEEDED at the time. Over the last month or so i have been so frustrated with my floor i finally decided i needed to try the reveal and i love it. I love that i can use whatever cleaner i want and that the pads are large and machine washable. The head of the mop also swivels so it is easy to spin around into small places and corners.
I'm loving... these pins for the last week.
Swoon..... look at all the pretty vintage pyrex..LOVE!

English tea roses, so pretty!
If corn is cheap and sweet in your neck of the woods give this recipe a try. It was so yummy, although mine did not look nearly as nice as this. I ended up cutting it off the cob and eating it more like a corn salad.
Exactly! Sorry friends and family that i try to talk to when the kiddos are awake!