
Happy Frist Birthday Baby Girl!!! Over the
last few weeks I’ve had a chance to go through and read all of the monthly
letters I have written to you and in almost every one I said something along
the lines of “I can’t believe you are already … months old” but when I sat down
tonight to write you this last monthly letter I couldn’t bring myself to say “I
can’t believe you are 1 year old” because I feel like you’ve been with us
forever. At times it is hard to remember our family before there was four of
us. You have completed us as a family and filled spaces in our heart we didn’t
even know were empty before we brought you home. It has been so much fun
watching you grow and change, and my goodness girl how you have grown! Today we
made a trip to babies r us to look for a long sleeve shirt for you and I when I
saw the preemie size onesies I was just blown away. Just 365 days ago you fit
perfectly into that itty bitty preemie size outfit and today I was shopping for
size 24 month. Amazing!

You have such a big personality already
kiddo and it is both adorable and hysterical. You are the antagonist to many
arguments with your brother. You LOVE to put on a huge show for people when we
our out shopping. You are always flashing the biggest smiles and having these adorable
little conversations with anyone who looks your way. This week we got a taste
of your dramatic actress side. Towards the end of dinner you got bored and
started making a game of throwing your food on the floor. Your Dad looked at
you, and in a calm tone said, “Lucy, don’t throw your food on the floor, that
isn’t nice” …. WELL….. you gave the biggest, longest, most dramatic pout of the
lip followed by huge crocodile tears…. After a few minutes he gave in, feeling
as through he had broken his poor baby girls heart and picked you up. You
immediately stopped crying, smiled, and then said “woooow”.

This month you started cruising around and
between furniture with ease and speed. You took two steps by yourself but only
once, you hold our your hand and until someone will walk with you. You can
stand by yourself but get too excited and usually start trying to jump up and
down. We brought the walker up for you this past week and you used it really
well and walk very easily with it. I can’t believe how tall you have gotten.
Today you came down from your nap and wanted something off the kitchen table
and grabbed it fairly easily. How are you tall enough to reach the table
You love bathtime and crawling up the steps.
Your favorite toys this month have been: your activity tables and cube, the
Sesame Street pop up toy, blocks, balls and bats (our little tomboy), rattles,
tea party set, and Liam’s toy hammer. You love to be read to, your favorite
book is Share With Me which we have read more times then I can count.

You are officially down to napping only
once a day. You nap from about 12:30-2:30 and then sleep through the night from
7:15-7:30. You are wearing size 18 month clothes and some 24 month, size 3 shoe
(but you never keep them on so I am not 100% sure what size you’d be), and a
size 4 diaper. You are still eating
great but have not been as open to foods as you have been in the past few
months. You have started to reject a few foods and want to play with food more
then eat it at times. Your favorite
foods this month were pancakes, blueberries, peaches, pears, spaghetti and
garlic bread, and ice cream! In the last two weeks we have weaned you off
formula and onto whole milk, you had your last scoop this morning, talk about
good timing! You are still taking one bottle per day, right before bed but
drink your milk from a sippy cup in the morning and drink extremely diluted
juice throughout the day.

I hope you have a wonderful first birthday and I hope you have a great time at
your party surrounded by friends and family that love you very much.