Monster trucks have taken over Liam’s life.

Little Lucy has done a lot of playing….. she loves reading the book on her exersaucer and is getting better and better each day sitting my herself.

We had been wanting to get this activity cube since Liam was little but for one reason or another just never did. Well we got it for Lucy with a gift card she got from my parents for Easter and both of them LOVE it!

Nigel and Liam have become BBFs…

and my blurb about baby led weaning. I have seen a lot of bloggers do this over the last few years and thought it would be something to try with Lucy. From the beginning she took to food well and a little before 6 months old was eating puffs by herself really well so I decided to start giving her some table foods to let her try stuff out and let's just say it has been a great success. She does so well and has really liked everything. She hated peas as a puree but ate them up the other night as finger food.

Yogurt melts (so excited to eat some of big brothers snack)

Peas, black beans, and rice

Grilled cheese, she ate almost a half of a sandwich

Beef stroganoff…she started to cry when I would take a bite instead of give it to her…

…and her favorite pancakes!

We got pancakes today from a fundraiser for the local fire department, as you can see Lucy ate them up but Liam did as well. He’s also been on a peanut butter kick …

It also snowed this week, welcome to PA in April, today it was in the 70’s.

This is what Lucy has been doing during naptime this week, have a mentioned this kiddo hates sleep.

but at least I have one that sleeps like a teenager ….

I got this at the store on Saturday and it is even better then what I had imagined! Oh my, so good!!!
Lucy helped Dada play xbox, she really wanted to play and for the record that is Alex’s intense gaming face.

This morning Liam was playing with his monster trucks and I see him walk off with Grinder and then come back without it so I asked him “liam where is Grinder” and he said “ Oh Grinder in time out”…. well okay then….
Yesterday the boys flew kites. After we spent some time with Alex’s softball friends and watched some guys fish, had some yummy food and Liam got to play with a dog (which everyone ended up thinking the dog belong to us because they were inseparable). Liam loved watching the guys fish and seeing the fish. He said “I fishin’, I go get stick” and then ran up and grabbed someone's rod to try and fish, no worries we interecpted his rod borrowing. We ended up going and getting him a little Cars fishing pole today that he can use when we go next time. Its adorable and he was so excited about it.