Sunday, October 30, 2011

Fall Wonderland

Yesterday we spent the day getting snowed in…yes, in October! I can’t ever remember getting this much snow so early. It kind of makes me scared as to what our actual winter holds.

The kiddos took a nap together.


Liam and I carved a pumpkin


It was a Thomas pumpkin, I am sure you are shocked by this


A few pictures from this morning. We ended up getting a foot of snow! Luckily it has been very sunny today and a lot has already melted.


Halloween preview Smile 


Friday, October 28, 2011

Happy 1 Month Lucy

Dear Lucy,


      Today you are one month old. I can’t be honest and go with the cliché comment of “I can’t believe you are already a month old” because I almost can’t remember what it was like to not have you here with us, you fit into our little family so well. You are a very relaxed baby and don’t get upset about much. We have been dealing with some late evening fussiness but I know all too well that this phase will past in a blink of an eye. If there is one thing that I have learned from your first month it is that every baby is different. Although you may look a whole lot like your big brother you have been very different babies. Your Dad and I have had to relearn being parents to a newborn again to adapt to what you like and need.


   You love the bouncy seat; you napped in there for the first month of your life. Starting yesterday I have tried to start getting you used to napping in your crib and you did really well. You are not a big fan of the swing, hopefully it will grow on you. You love to sleep on your side and rolled over (back to belly) at exactly one week old! You did it six times after that but have not done it again for a week or so. You don’t mind doing tummy time because I think if we let you you would choose to sleep on your belly. You are so strong! You can lift your head up for quite a while and look around. You can spin in a circle when on your belly and jump up when we give your feet support when laying on some ones chest. We’ve been saying that you are going to be an all american athlete. I am pretty sure you are going to give your brother a run for his money. You love bath time and just lounge in the warm water very contently. You like to hang your little feet over the side of the newborn hammock and submerge them in the water.



You are still wearing newborn diapers and newborn clothes. The first week of you life you wore preemie diapers and cloths because you swam in the newborn size. You fit into them perfect now. You were 6 pounds 10 ounces at birth, 6 pounds 7 ounces at discharge, and 8 pounds 2 ounces at your one month appointment. You are growing and thriving. You eat on a pretty likely schedule of three ounces every three hours, normally going two four hour stretch at night/morning (11-3 and 4-8). The past two days you have moved up to eating 4 ounces at each feeding (sometimes more). You were born with a fair amount of dark hair and still have it all. The very top and back is long (probably a good inch and a half) the rest of your head is FULL of short, thick dark hair.


Lucy, you are so lucky to have the best big brother. Liam loves you more than I can put into words. When I ask him if you wants to hold you it is the highlight of his day! He hugs and kisses you so many times a day and loves to lay by your when you are “playing” and show you everything. I look forward to how your relationship with grow and evolve and how much fun you two are going to have together.


Happy 1 Month Sweet Girl



** Thank you to my friend Bev from Indy (who I miss more than words can say) who made the adorable monthly stickers that Lucy is modeling in her picture. Thanks Bev, I love them!!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Don’t get much better

…than this!

Me: “Liam do you want to hold DD”?

Liam: “Yeeeeeas” … hops on the couch and opens his arms wide up to hold onto his little sister and give her tons of kisses while saying “Ooooooh DD”


Liam’s Birthday Party

For Liam’s second birthday party we hosted a Thomas the Tank Engine party (of course) at our house with some of our immediate family members. We had a fantastic time celebrating his second year and loved having some family members at our house for the first time.

One of the gifts Alex and I got for Liam was an easel. He loves to color and do projects so the easel has been a huge hit.



Thomas galore…


The food: fall salad, fruit kabobs (which had a railroad crossing sign on the top), muddy buddies, apple pie chex mix, chicken wing dip and pizza.




His first of two cupcakes…



Action shot! Opening all of his wonderful gifts (which sitting on the dining room table LOL), thank you everyone for the thoughtful and generous gifts!


Saturday, October 22, 2011

Happy Birthday Liam!!!!!

Our little man is TWO today!!!!! We had a fantastic day celebrating with family; lots of details to come!IMG_5928

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Lucy modeling her new Halloween outfit from Aunt Kerri! Bow from Polkadot Posies (my favorite shop ever!)



Monday, October 17, 2011

Weekend Fun

On Sunday Alex and I took the kiddos to an Apple Festival at a local orchard. Alex and I went to the apple festival for years before we moved to Indy so it was nice to go back this year and have all of our favorite treats again.

We got to use the new stroller for the first time, everyone (the riders and the pushers) loved it!IMG_5850

Yesterday was a big day for Lucy, she finally lost her umbilical cord stump and was able to take a real bath. Of course being the most chill baby ever she LOVED it. Look at those cheeks, baby girl is chunking up!


This morning I reorganized the family room/playroom to make room for some toys for Lucy. Liam and her had a good time playing together this morning. He loves to show her all of the toys, he is such a sweet boy. (…Except for when he colors on THREE of my walls while I was taking a shower and Dada was watching him….oy!)



Friday, October 14, 2011

Thursday, October 13, 2011

A deal

I LOVE deals! Groupon, eversave, very jane … you name it I probably subscribe to it! I have saved so much over the last year (especially at Christmas time) since following all these deal sites. I got a great one today and wanted to share it with you all too!

If you follow a lot of blogs I am sure that you have heard of the Erin Condren Life Planner; it has been all the rage in blogosphere over the last two months but it is $50 … for a planner and I am cheap LOL so i didn’t jump on that bandwagon fast.

Well on One Kings Lane when you sign up (it is free to do) you get a $15 credit. Erin Condren is running a deal on there for a $50 gift card for $25 and if you apply your $15 credit it ends up being $10 ….. so i am getting my life planner for $10! SCORE!! If you are not in the market for planner you can get gift labels or address labels for free (they are $12 and $15 on sale so with you credit they are free). Here is the link if you want to take advantage!


Sunday, October 9, 2011

Fall filled Sunday

This afternoon my Mom and I took Liam and Lucy to a fall festival. Liam LOVED looking at all the pumpkins

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and picking one out to paint this week.



Lucy had a good time getting some fresh air and taking a nap.


Before we left Liam watched the big kids ride the pony’s.


**Thank you all so much for your uplifting comments on my last post and all of your prayers for Lucy to stay cold free; I truly appreciate it so much**

Friday, October 7, 2011

Lucy – 1 Week (and a prayer request, or two)



A full week as a family of four. I can say nothing but it has been one of the best weeks of my life. I told Alex the other night how heartbreaking it is to me to think of someone that suffers from the baby blues or postpartum depression because i am pretty sure I have the opposite. There have been times this week i was  convinced my heart would explode spewing glitter and unicorns because of my intense love for my kids and family.

I am so grateful that the transition, so far, to being a stay at home Mom to two kids (under two for the next three weeks) has been great. Honestly, it was a lot easier for me to take care of the two of them this week than just Liam when i was pregnant. Feeling back to normal has been such a huge blessing.

Miss Lucy is doing great. She is back to her birth weight and doing all of the newborn things (sleeping, eating, and pooping) like a champ. At discharge we learned that she needed to come back to the hospital for a repeat hearing test on her left ear. Her appointment was yesterday and her left ear still came back “referable”. The audiologist assured us that it very well could be debris still left in the ear canal or fluid behind the ear drum. In a few weeks we will go to the audiologist office were they have better equipment and will be able to get a better feel for what is going on. Either way i seek comfort in knowing that her right ear is perfectly fine and she will be able to hear us, music, and life.

On the day we got discharged from the hospital I came down with a pretty nasty cold. Talk about freaking out! I have been crazy about trying to keep all the germs away from Lucy but since I am her primary caretaker I am not sure how easy it can be to do. Liam woke up with a stuffy nose this morning, so i know it is coming his way and i feel like I am barely holding my stuff together knowing what the next two weeks may bring. Some of the nurses in the hospital said that babies as young as Lucy can’t get sick (i guess it is an old wives tale, one i really want to believe is true) but her pediatrician said no she can get sick. Please, please if you are the praying kind please keep Lucy in your thoughts that she does not catch this bug. Her doctor said yesterday the real trouble would come if she came down with a fever which is a one way ticket to being admitted to the hospital with a battery of VERY scary, VERY invasive tests to rule out all possible infections. She said even if they are able to see it is an ear infection or something similar they will put them through all of the testing. Needless to say since yesterday I have been a nut case.

I feel selfish in a way to say that I thought after all we had been through with her pregnancy I anticipated things to relax, that we would finally be able to enjoy everything without the worry of something being wrong. You all know from past posts that I rushed through and didn’t savor the time I was pregnant with her and now i feel like I am going to be doing the same thing for her first month of life. I love this newborn stage so much but i just want her to get to one month, fever free and then I know we are in the clear of all the testing that would be needed if she got sick. I just don’t want to be sick anymore. I just want to be able to sit and struggle with her without worry.


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

…….be still my heart…….


Monday, October 3, 2011

What would have been my 40 week post….

so much better! Oh and I finally get to sleep on my belly and back and it is all i thought it would be :-) sleep quality has been so much better!!


We had Lucy’s 3 day follow up appointment this morning at our pediatrician and she did wonderful. She has a little bit of jaundice in her face but it isn’t to a point that they are concerned. She  weighed 6 pounds 6 ounces, she is such a peanut!


Liam was being a wild man today and jumping all over the house pretending to be a bunny, he had us cracking up! Look at the air this kid can get!
