Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Phone Photo Drop

Since getting my new phone I have been taking so many pictures of Liam with it. At our old house I would keep my camera on my bakers rack which was right between the kitchen and living room where we spend most of our day but here in the new house I have not found a safe stop to have it handy at all times so for now the phone will do.

Doesn’t he look so comfy napping on the couch after a hot afternoonIMG_0077

Playing in the tub with his Sesame Street buddies, he likes to make them dive in.  IMG_0080

He struggled using utensils for so long until I gave him a regular adult fork instead of a plastic toddler one and he is doing so good!


Lately Liam has become very into lining up his cars. The all have to face the same direction and are always neatly in line. The other day I was making lunch while Liam was playing in the living room, later in the afternoon I went in and saw what he had been working on ….. the car arch, pretty impressive if i do say so myself.


The next day we had the car “L” (L for Liam I suppose).


Now instead of solely running around the circle in the house we also ride our quad around the circle.


All of these 90-100 degree days have lead to lots of time in the pool!


Early weekend mornings with our Pooh slippers.


More lining up of the cars before they raced around the family room.


Liam and Lucy snuggling…


I will try anything to get this picky eater to eat…for lunch we tried peanut butter sandwich pops…yeah it didn’t work but at least he picked it up….that is a start.


Giving his beloved dog a ride this morning.


Summer Nights

Do any iphone users know the best way to blog from their phone? IMG_5471

Today we finally got a break from the heat wave we (and most of the country) has been having. It was in the 70’s after we had dinner today so we took advantage and let Liam play outside and run around like a wild man for as long as he wanted.


How and when did he get so big?!?


Doing a little yoga outside.


Taking a break with Dada on the bench. IMG_5523

Oooh look apples!


The highlight of Alex’s night, playing baseball with his son! So much more of this in their future.  IMG_5534

Baseball (bay-ball) is Liam’s new favorite word, i hear it no less than 30 times a day. IMG_5535

Then we came inside and had ice cream with extra sprinkles. IMG_5538 IMG_5539

Monday, July 18, 2011

29 Weeks


Total Weight Gain/Loss: 11 pounds so far

Maternity Clothes: oh yes

Gender: it’s a girl! Lucy Anne

Movement: yes lot of flipping and swift kicks to the bladder, Liam and Lucy had this first sibling fight while Liam was laying on me the other day and elbowing her and she would kick him in the back…over and over again

Sleep: oooh sleep or should i say lack there of….i miss sleep! I remember saying this to my co-workers when I was pregnant with Liam and they thought i was the most naive first time expectant Mom but i was so right…i sleep ten times better with a newborn than i do pregnant! At least with a newborn I am up doing something productive with a goal of getting them back to sleep and then when I do go to sleep I am out like a light until the next feeding where as while pregnant I am up, uncomfortable, just staring thinking about how terrible tomorrow is going to be because i will be exhausted, then when I do sleep it is just restless tossing and turning.

What I miss: sleep and physically feeling good…the back, hips, and legs are starting to get really sore.

Cravings: still cereal…two boxes of Cocoa Puffs last week

Best Moment this week: I had my 7 week follow up with my high risk doctor a week and a half ago and everything went great! The cysts have gone away and Lucy is growing right on track despite the 2 vessel cord. I have one more check up with them in four weeks and then may or may not have to go back depending on how well she is growing.

Liam Lately (almost 21 months)

I have not done an update on what Liam is up to these days in quite some time and I feel like I have to to preserve the memory for me.


He loves playing with his hot wheels/matchbox cars. At least one is attached to his hand most of the day. Still loves Thomas and playing with his trains.


Our grocery store has a wall mounted train track and Liam squeals each and every time he sees is. The older men always give him a big smile and comment about how much he loves trains. He is the puzzle king! Puzzles are his new favorite thing to do and he is so good at them. He also loves to read his object picture books and points out things that I ask him to. He loves to count and spell words out (with his own “words”). He can point out colors and shapes now too.


We don’t watch nearly as much tv as we used to but some of his new favorites are Arthur, Curious George, and Clifford. He is obsessed with dogs! For Christmas he got a dog pillow pet from a co-worker of Alex’s and it is probably his favorite thing he owns right now. He loves on dog so much! My parents have a neighbor with the sweetest dog that Liam just adores going to visit.


He still loves being outside and running and has gotten so much better at staying in the backyard where we are and not running off, it makes for a much better time for everyone. He loves swimming and splashing in the pool but isn’t a big fan of sitting in a raft, he’d much rather someone he holding him and jumping/throwing him around in the water. He loves to dance, especially when he is snacking on something yummy, jump, and rough house with Dada.



Is starting to talk a lot more but still only when he wants to, he won’t repeat anything when you ask him to, he has to want to tell you something. His favorite words are: dog, car, ball, Dada, Thomas, cat, go, bizza bizza (which means yummy). He finally started calling me Mama and calls my Dad “Dad-Ooo”.  There are so many words that he says every once in a while that I couldn’t list them all.


Still a very picky eater and very strong willed about it! He loves fruit and eats a ton of them, pancakes, french toast, cereal bars, once in a while he will eat bacon, all kinds of cereal, snap pea crisps, vegetable chips, gold fish, yogurt covered raisins and regular raisins, french fries, sweet potato fries, grilled cheese, and of course sprinkles, cookies, and M&Ms.


Sleeping has been rough since we’ve moved and really isn’t getting much better, I am still hanging onto hope that it is a phase. He goes to bed, by himself which is a blessing, between 8-8:30 most nights (on the rare occasion earlier or later) and gets up in the 5 o’clock hour…. He takes one nap per day on most days (if his nap is really bad he will usually cat nap in the late afternoon. He napes in the morning, usually 9:30-11ish.

I am loving this age because he understands so much that he can be a very good helper. He will get his shoes if i ask him to, stand by the door and wait if we are getting in the car, wait at the bottom on the steps if we are going up to take a bath, hand me things if I ask him to, etc.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

4th of July Party and then some

Since the day we purchased our house we have been planning to have a 4th of July party. Alex and I were so excited that the weekend for our party was finally here and we were all set. Little did we know he would only be here for 30 minutes before getting called into work for the rest of the night after an incident. We all couldn’t be more bummed that he had to miss our party :-( Next party I am taking his cell phone battery and hiding it!

Of course we had to start the party with licking the beater. Liam is so funny, as soon as he hears me turn the beater on he runs over and stands at my side waiting for a lick. Yesterday he was hugging my legs as hard as his little arms could saying “Mama Mama Mama”  in the sweetest little voice…he knows how to get what he wants.  Mmmm whipped cream…yum!


Drink stations…we had fresh strawberry lemonade and a sangria-like iced tea in addition to the regular party beverages.IMG_5453

Arrangement for our food table


Food table! We had burgers, hotdogs, pineapple chicken salad (which was awesome), loaded baked potato salad, macaroni salad, coleslaw, baked beans, and grilled corn on the cob. Dessert was lemon cream cupcakes (one of which i am eating now), strawberry shortcake trifle, brownies, apple pie, fruit salad, and cake balls, oh and sugar cookies for Liam.

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Devouring a cookie


Running it off


Riding his quad down the hill


Did you see the cute big boy hair cut Liam got? Let’s just saw this hair cut experience was not as easy as our first one…thank goodness my Mom was with me..we both left sweating LOL


Two weeks ago my phone had a poor run in with the trunk of the car and well…didn’t live to tell about it. I got an iphone and could not have been more excited about the little accident Alex had with  my old phone. I love my new one!!! Here are some pictures from the last two weeks from my phone.

Liam LOVES wearing shoes, this was him at 6am still in his sleep sack wearing his sneakers.


This is dog, Liam’s best friend. We have to snuggle with dog to fall asleep….dog may have also went on a car ride with us to the bank…mind you dog is a 20 inch pillow pet.  IMG_0009

Pre hair cut! It was so long!


We went to a bazaar last weekend and Liam went to town on a cotton candy! IMG_0013

…and passed out on the way home. Love those two boys!


We went to Cabella’s last weekend with Alex’s parents and Liam had a great time looking at all of the stuffed animals.


My handsome big boy! I am loving the instragram app!
