Monday, June 27, 2011

Catching up….

I have been such a blog slacker lately! I blame it on a combo of Liam going to bed late and getting up before 5:30am … which leads this not sleeping in the first place preggo exhausted by the end of the night! So let’s catch up shall we…

First sibling picture, Liam and Lucy (this was for one of Alex’s father day presents) IMG_5408

Father’s Day. We had a great dinner with both of our parents at our house, it was so much fun to have everyone all together in one place. Liam LOVED it!


Nigel and Liam have become best friends and it is so adorable. Here is Liam trying to share his paci, he shoves it into his face so hard, it is sweet though.


Daily snuggles.


and the biggest news, tonight we got to swim in our pool for the first time!! YAY!!! We just about died laughing at Liam in his outfit. It was the first and last time he will be wearing that; we honestly thought we were going to have to cut him out of it at one point, it was so hard to get on and off, thank goodness it was free!

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Our little fish LOVED the water!

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Monday, June 13, 2011

24 Weeks

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I have a doctors appointment tomorrow so i will find out then

Maternity Clothes: pants, tight maternity tops and elastic bottom non-maternity tops

Gender: it’s a girl! Lucy Anne

Movement: yes lot of flipping and swift kicks to the bladder

Sleep: it is hard, I am a back/tummy sleeper so it will only get better once she is born and I can sleep the way I was again … it would also be a bit easier if my “alarm clock” didn’t go off at 5:30am everyday…oy

What I miss: cookie dough which was quickly remedied by making some cookie dough truffles MmmMmm

Cravings: fruit bars (strawberry and pineapple), cereals, and candy

Best Moment this week: Getting Lucy’s room all cleaned out, new clothes washed and hung up, and Liam saying “Lucy” for the first time clear as day…so cute!

I posted last week that I was going to a specialist to have a fetal echocardiogram per my high risk doctors request and I am so happy to say that everything looked perfect. Modern medicine is amazing, i can’t believe how much we were able to see! My Mom drove me down to Allentown for the appointment and we got to meet up with my Aunt and Grandmother who live down that ways. It was so good to see them and catch up. We had a really nice day. And thank you to my mother in law who watched Liam for the day, he had a blast as well.

Lucy’s crib arrived this week!!! Yay!! Thanks Mom and Dad for buying Lucy her crib :-)  IMG_5392

My Mom and I cleared our Lucy’s room last week. It was the “catch all” room for A LOT of boxes—like you could not even walk into the room stuffed with boxes and now it is just baby stuff, yay!!  IMG_5393

We purchases this piece a few weeks ago at an estate sale and I am just loving it.


It is sanded right now and ready to be primed and painted Behr’s “poetic princess”.


Aren’t those little drawers just perfect for all of the stuff little girls come along with! I think it will be perfect in her room. Ya know… like these…we are building quite the stash of headbands, flowers, and bows…and yes it is modeled on the back of a stuffed penguin.


Saturday, June 4, 2011

Yard sale jackpot and birthday party

Seriously, I cannot even begin to tell you how good i made out yard sale-ing today! Alex’s Mom and I have been hitting up yard sales on Saturdays for a few weeks now and today took the cake! I, obviously, was in the market for anything functional and pink since all we  have is blue in our house. The first sale we went to today was a group of families selling all baby items…i mean it literally looked like babies r us threw up on the yard, craziness! The lady who we purchased all our stuff from had three boys and her last was a girl (born in the fall) who she went WILD buying stuff for. Not only did I get a TON of clothes but also a brand new (girly) bouncy seat and a (girly) tummy time mat, AND two pairs of brand new, in the box robeez (for $1), plus a few other pairs of brand new shoes. Seriously, we made out like bandits today, I am so so happy and grateful that we came upon this sale!


Post washing girls clothes, LOTS of 0-3 month footed sleepers! IMG_5383 

and fall stuff for Liam.


This afternoon we went to a birthday party for Alex’s cousin Maria who is turning four. I was a bad blogger and forgot my camera but snapped a few pictures of Liam running around with my phone. I think it was probably one of the most fun days of Liam’s life. He got to run around without anyone holding him back for a full two hours! He had so much fun running and playing with the other kids. I am so proud of my little guy who can hold his own around older kids. He loved running down the tumble track, i think he thought it was a race track because of like yellow line.

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When we got home from the party we got a package in the mail and it was Liam’s new pair of Florida Gator crocs…he did not take them off until he went to bed, the kid has a thing for wearing sandal type shoes 24/7.


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Amusement Park Fun

Liam got to go to his first amusement park today and had a great time. Alex’s mom, her sister, her mom, Liam and I spend the afternoon at a park that is about 45 minutes from our house and could not have asked for a better day. It was nice and hot and not crowded at all, perfect for a little ones first time on a few rides.

His first ride was on a little car, he was not to sure about it.


Next up the ball pit which he loved “swimming” around in.


Then the mini antique cars. The big antique cars were his favorite ride that we went on but i didn’t get a picture.


Cotton candy…the highlight of his day!


On the “Thomas” aka the train :-)

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