I have been such a blog slacker lately! I blame it on a combo of Liam going to bed late and getting up before 5:30am every.single.day … which leads this not sleeping in the first place preggo exhausted by the end of the night! So let’s catch up shall we…
First sibling picture, Liam and Lucy (this was for one of Alex’s father day presents)
Father’s Day. We had a great dinner with both of our parents at our house, it was so much fun to have everyone all together in one place. Liam LOVED it!
Nigel and Liam have become best friends and it is so adorable. Here is Liam trying to share his paci, he shoves it into his face so hard, it is sweet though.
Daily snuggles.
and the biggest news, tonight we got to swim in our pool for the first time!! YAY!!! We just about died laughing at Liam in his outfit. It was the first and last time he will be wearing that; we honestly thought we were going to have to cut him out of it at one point, it was so hard to get on and off, thank goodness it was free!
Our little fish LOVED the water!