About You
Name?: Sarah
Age?: 24
Height?: 5'5
Pre-pregnancy weight?: 127
About The Father
Name?: Alex
Age?: 25
Height?: 5'11.5
Are you still together?: YES
About Your Pregnancy
Is this your first pregnancy?: Yes
When did you find out you were pregnant?: Feb 16th, 09
Was it planned?: Yes
What was your first reaction?: OMG ... there are two lines.... :-)
Who was with you when you found out?: Nigel
Who was the first person you told?: Erin at work
How did your parents react?: very happy
How far along are you?: 25.2 weeks
What was your first symptom?: Morning sickness and tired
What is your due date?: October 28th, 2009 moved back from the 23rd
Do you know the sex of the baby?: All BOY!!!!
Have you picked out names?: Yes
If so, what are they?: Liam Alexander
How much weight have you gained?: around 15 pounds
Do you have stretch marks?: A few little ones i think
Have you felt the baby move?: Yes ! ! !
Have you heard the heartbeat?: Yes
About the birth
Will you keep the baby?: YES!!!!!!!
Home or hospital birth?: Hospital but not by choice, home birth is illegal in Indiana
Natural or medicated birth?: trying my hardest for natural
Who will be in the delivery room with you?: Alex
Will you breastfeed?: Hoping to for the first year
Do you think you'll need a c-section?: Not unless he stays in the transverse position he has been in the whole time
Will you cry when you hold the baby for the first time?: I'm sure
What's the first thing you might say to him/her?: I have no idea....
Would you let someone videotape the birth?: No!
Are you excited about the birth, or scared?: Very excited i can't wait for him to be here!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
What i could really go for right now....
A clean house, crisp breeze coming though an open window, a fall scented candle burning, laying on the couch with my hot thing and comfy/squishy clothes on, and silence..... that sounds so amazing right now :-)
Sounds like what life will be like in the few week leading up to Liam's arrival :-)
Oooh what i'd really love is sitting on the porch, holding Liam, crisp fall air, a pumpkin spice latte, a big sweatshirt, and my husband ... with a clean house and fall candle burning inside.
Sounds like what life will be like in the few week leading up to Liam's arrival :-)
Oooh what i'd really love is sitting on the porch, holding Liam, crisp fall air, a pumpkin spice latte, a big sweatshirt, and my husband ... with a clean house and fall candle burning inside.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
24 weeks
How far along: 24 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +13 pounds
Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks? none that are noticeable
Sleep: depends on the day, i've started to get leg cramps during the night now which has been a little rough this week
Best moment this week: getting SO much of the nursery done. The crib is up and the bedding is on, the chair is here, room is painted, new ceiling fan is up and we have ordered the car seat, stroller, pack and play, and get a swing!!!
Food cravings: nothing in particular this week
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: be able to walk normal, he is starting to feel really heavy Oh and not having to pee every hour
What I am looking forward to: my shower coming up next month
Weekly Wisdom: No wisdom but i did start a project this week for my little guy. I am hand painting a name plate sign for his door which is coming along very nice.
Total weight gain/loss: +13 pounds
Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks? none that are noticeable
Sleep: depends on the day, i've started to get leg cramps during the night now which has been a little rough this week
Best moment this week: getting SO much of the nursery done. The crib is up and the bedding is on, the chair is here, room is painted, new ceiling fan is up and we have ordered the car seat, stroller, pack and play, and get a swing!!!
Food cravings: nothing in particular this week
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: be able to walk normal, he is starting to feel really heavy Oh and not having to pee every hour
What I am looking forward to: my shower coming up next month
Weekly Wisdom: No wisdom but i did start a project this week for my little guy. I am hand painting a name plate sign for his door which is coming along very nice.
Today we celebrate .....

..... the life of "the king of pop" Michael Jackson 1958-2009.
On Thursday June 25th, around 4pm eastern time we learned of the passing of the greatest icon of our generation. I can remember listening to Michael Jackson all the time when i was young and getting his album Dangerous for the 8th birthday, on cassette by the way :-) One tradition, for me, will forever live on and that is listening to Thriller every Halloween!!! Hopefully this year i will be able to listen to it with baby Liam in my arms.

From MSN
The King of Pop is dead.
Michael Jackson, the world's most successful entertainer, died Thursday afternoon in Los Angeles of apparent cardiac arrest. He was 50 years old.
There is no questioning the gifts Jackson gave millions of people around the world. His humanitarianism is well documented, going back decades. (In 2000, he made it into the Guinness Book of World Records for "Most Charities Supported By a Pop Star." The number was 39.) His sales figures -- records, videos, concert tours -- are unparalleled. He never underestimated his audience or lived to any standard higher than his own. His music was always joyful, even at its darkest, and smart, even at its most accessible. It was the pinnacle of populism, the source of his royal title.
Over the past decade, Jackson fell victim to America's orgiastic cult of celebrity -- a gutless opportunism he unwittingly helped spawn. Personal problems and public scrutiny overshadowed the image of pop genius he cultivated during the 1980s. For the last year or so, Jackson was a recluse and an invalid, shepherded via wheelchair by a phalanx of handlers, seemingly enlivened only by his three young children. But for all the exaggerated reports of weirdness and allegations of sexual deviance, Jackson, or at least the idea of him, remained magnetic. Earlier this year he sold out 50 concerts at London's O2 Arena -- some 1 million tickets -- in a matter of hours. Whatever the news, his fans believed him still capable of magic.
In considering the meaning of MJ, the difficulty is that, over the course of one of history's most public lives, the individual became inseparable from the myth and the myth became inseparable from the media machine that fostered it. In this sense, Jackson's life is both a catalyst and mirror of American cultural habits over the last 30 years, fraught with all the associated triumph and dysfunction and isolation. An entire nation watched him grow up before a live studio audience, foreshadowing the voyeurism/narcissism hardwired into the age of Facebook.
His first No. 1 hit, "I Want You Back," came out on the Motown label in 1970 with his band of brothers, the Jackson 5. Michael was 11 at the time. He followed with several successful solo albums throughout the '70s, but it was 1979's "Off the Wall" that put him on an unmatchable ascent. From there, he achieved colossal stardom during the Golden Age of Pop -- an age he came to define. That Golden Age brought our other remaining pop icons, Madonna and Prince. It also brought MTV, where his video for "Billie Jean" was one of the first by a black artist to air in regular rotation. From there, Jackson's rise coincided with the channel's, his big-budget, radically choreographed concepts like "Beat It," "Thriller," "Bad" -- which was directed by Martin Scorsese -- and "Smooth Criminal" forever elevating the production standards for music videos. Along the way, MJ let loose some of the baddest dance moves known to man.
The '80s were Jackson's heyday, and it's accurate to view the decade as a simpler time. Celebrity journalism hadn't devolved into the lowest-common-denominator turkey shoot it is now. Rumors of Jackson's eccentricity -- a pet chimpanzee, a hyperbaric chamber, the Elephant Man's bones -- were spread playfully by Jackson himself. During this period, pop was in its primacy and Jackson truly was the king. It's an overlooked fact that his music was effortlessly progressive: from the disco-pop doubletime of "Don't Stop Til You Get Enough" to Eddie Van Halen's hard rock riffs on "Beat It" to the electro-goth of "Thriller" to the astro-soul of "Smooth Criminal." Now entwined in the pop music canon, these songs stood out as wildly innovative at their vintage.
Though Jackson still produced great music, videos, and concert performances through the mid-'90s, he never fully recovered from 1993 accusations of child molestation. He felt betrayed by the public -- his public -- and the greater his exposure, the deeper his reclusion. Music changed in the '90s: Alternative rock altered the perceptions of mainstream success, and gangsta rap offered criminality as entertainment. Culture in general changed, and we, as consumers, changed with it. By the time of Jackson's second child molestation trial, in 2005 -- which found the singer not guilty -- he had become a punch line. Oversaturated, underempathized, cynical, we were cowed by sensationalism and unproven allegations. Heedless to truth, we wanted the tabloid story, mainly because it was all that was offered. If we danced to his music, it was with an ironic wink. But we still danced.
Even his death is a reflection of our age. The news was first reported on tabloid-style gossip Web site TMZ.com; His name was his name instantly elevated to Twitter's top hash-tagged search item; capsule tributes were posted on blogs and Web sites minutes after his passing.
Last year, on the occasion of Jackson's 50th birthday, biographer J. Randy Taraborrelli wrote a heartbreaking piece for the British newspaper The Daily Mail. He quoted Jackson: "It all went by so fast, didn't it? I wish I could do it all over again, I really do."
Michael Jackson's music speaks for itself. It's some of the most infectious, ebullient pop music ever made. Michael Jackson, for whatever reason, failed to speak for himself. His legacy, greater than words or numbers can convey, is entangled within our own media-fed obsessions and assumptions. We will always celebrate his art, but we should also learn from his life.
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